
Denne boka b?r kj?pes:

Hagopian, Frances og Scott P. Mainwaring (red.): The Third Wave of Democratization in Latin America. Advances and Setbacks, 2005. Cambridge University Press. Introduksjon, kap. 1-5 og 7-10 (ca. 300 sider).

F?lgende tekster vil bli gjort tilgjengelig elektronisk i begynnelsen av semesteret for studenter p?meldt emnet:

Arce, Moisés: "Political Violence and Presidential Approval in Peru" i The Journal of Politics, 65:2 (2003), s. 572-583.

Aviles, William: "Paramilitarism and Colombia's Low-Intensity Democracy" i Journal of Latin American Studies, 38:2 (2006), s. 379-408.

Avritzer, Leonardo: "New Public Spheres in Brazil: Local Democracy and Deliberative Politics" i International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , 30:3 (2006), s. 623-637.

Berger, Mark T.: "Romancing the Zapatistas: International Intellectuals and the Chiapas Rebellion" i Latin American Perspectives, 28:2, (2001), s. 49-70 .

Deas, Malcolm: "Violent Exchanges: Reflections on Political Violence in Colombia" i David E. Apter (red.): The Legitimization of Violence, 1997. Macmillan Press. s. 350-390.

: "Det bolivarianske alternativet. Intervju med Dozthor Zurlent" i Austreng, Ingeborg m. fl. (red.): Latin-Amerika p? nye veier, 2006. Solidaritetsforlaget/ Latin-Amerikagruppene. s. 31-39.

Dunkerley, James: "Evo Morales, the ‘Two Bolivias’ and the Third Bolivian Revolution" i Journal of Latin American Studies, 39:1 (2007), s. 133-166 .

Ellner, Steve: "The Contrasting Variants of the Populism of Hugo Chávez and Alberto Fujimori" i Journal of Latin American Studies, 35:1 (2003), s. 139-162 .

Forment, Carlos: Democracy in Latin America, 1760-1900 vol. 1 , 2003. Chicago University Press. kap. 1 “Common Sense and Democracy in Latin America Today” og kap 2. “Social Equality and Political Liberty as Forms of Life”.


García de León, Antonio (red.): EZLN: documentos y comunicados, 1994. Ediciones Era. s. 33-35 [“Declaración de la selva lacandona”] og s. 294-297 [“Por qué se requiere otra constitución y un gobierno de transición”].

Gunson, Phil: "Chávez' Venezuela" i Current History, 105:688 (Feb. 2006), s. 58-63.

Hunter, Wendy: "Growth and Transformation of the Workers’ Party in Brazil, 1989-2002" i Working Paper #326 Kellogg Institute.

Huntington, Samuel: The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century , 1991. University of Oklahoma Press. s. 3-30.

Jones, Susanne: "Democratization through Peace: The Difficult Case of Guatemala" i Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs, 42:4, (2000), s. 9-38.

Krauze, Enrique: "Conferencia magistral del Dr. Enrique Krauze, 24 de abril 2006. " i

López Obrador, Andrés Manuel: "Discurso del candidato a la Presidencia de la República de la Coalición Por el bien de todos, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, en la Tercera Asamblea Informativa en el Zócalo, 30 de julio 2006" i

Menem, Carlos: "Campa?as de Carlos Menem" i

O'Donnell, Guillermo: "Delegative Democracy" i

Peruzzotti, Enrique: "The Nature of the New Argentine Democracy. The Delegative Democracy Argument Revisited" i Journal of Latin American Studies, 33:1 (2001), s. 133-155.

Petras, James: "Between Insurrection and Reaction: Evo Morales’ Pursuit of Normal Capitalism" i .

Posada-Carbó, Eduardo: "Colombia's Resilient Democracy" i Current History, (Februar, 2004), s. 68-73.

"Quem somos".

Roldan, Mary: "Cocaine and the ‘miracle’ of Modernity in Medellín" i Gootenberg, Paul (red.): Cocaine: Global Histories, 1999. New York: Routledge.

Schmidt, Gregory D.: "Delegative Democracy in Peru? Fujimori's 1995 Landslide and the Prospects for 2000" i Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 42:1. (2000), s. 99-132.

Taylor, Lewis: "Politicians without Parties and Parties without Politicians: The Foibles of the Peruvian Political Class, 2000–2006" i Bulletin of Latin American Research, 26:1 (2007), s. 1–23.

Timerman, Jacobo: "Reflections: No name, no number" i The New Yorker, 1981.

: "Venstre med et urfolksansikt: intervju med Alvaro García Linera" i Austreng, Ingeborg m. fl. (red.): Latin-Amerika p? nye veier, 2006. Solidaritetsforlaget/ Latin-Amerikagruppene. s. 79-82 .

Vivas, Leonardo og Lupi, Juan Pablo:: "(Mis)Understanding Chavez and Venezuela in Times of Revolution" i The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 29 (2005), s. 81-102.

Warren, Kay B.: "Voting Against Indigenous Rights in Guatemala: Lessons from the 1999 Referendum" i Kay B. Warren og Jean Jackson (red.): Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation and the State in Latin America, (Austin, 2002), s. 149-180.

Wiarda, Howard: “Origins: Greece, Rome, the Bible, and Medieval Christianity” kap. 2 i The Soul of Latin America (New Haven, 2001).

Wolford, Wendy: “Producing Community: “The MST and Land Reform Settlements in Brazil” i Journal of Agrarian Change 3:4 (2003), 500–520.


Publisert 24. apr. 2007 19:32 - Sist endret 13. nov. 2019 16:14