
Tekster merket * vil foreligge i kompendier

Tekster merket * vil foreligge i kompendier.

*Amado, Janaína: “Mythic Origins: Caramuru and the Founding of Brazil” i Hispanic American Historical Review 80:4 (2000), s. 783-811

*Anderson, Benedict: “Kreolske pionérer” i Anderson: Forestilte fellesskap: Refleksjoner omkring nasjonalismens opprinnelse og spredning (Oslo: Spartacus Forlag, 1996), s. 57 – 72

*Andrews, George Reid: “Spanish American Independence: A Structural Analysis” i Latin American Perspectives 12:1 (1985), s. 105 – 132

*Barickman, B. J.: “Revisiting the Casa-Grande: Plantation and Cane-Farming Households in Early Nineteenth-Century Bahia” i Hispanic American Historical Review 84:4 (2004), s. 619-659

*Bello, Andrés: “Commentary on ‘Investigations on the Social Influences of the Spanish Conquest and Colonial Regime in Chile’ by Jose Victorino Lastarria” i Iván Jacsi? (red.): Selected Writings of Andrés Bello (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), s. 159-168

*Blanchard, Peter: “The Language of Liberation: Slave Voices in the Wars of Independence” i Hispanic American Historical Review 82:3 (2002), s. 499 – 523

*Cahill, David: “First among Incas: The Marquesado de Oropesa Litigation (1741-1780) en route to the Great Rebellion” i Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas 41 (2004), s. 137-166

*Cervantes, Fernando: “The Devil and the Saints in the Conquest of Mexico” i History Today 44:4 (1994), s. 38-44 (7 sider)

*Cervantes, Fernando: “The Impact of Christianity in Spanish America” i Bulletin of Latin American Research 14:2 (1995), s. 201 – 210

*Clendinnen, Inga: “‘Fierce and Unnatural Cruelty’: Cortés and the Conquest of Mexico” i Representations 33 (1991), s. 65-100

Conrad, Geoffrey W. og Demarest, Arthur A.: Religion and Empire: The Dynamics of Aztec and Inca Expansionism (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1984), s. 11-70 og 80-139

*Earle, Rebecca: “Information and Disinformation in Late Colonial New Granada” i The Americas: a quarterly review of inter-American cultural history 54:2 (1997), s. 167-184

*Fernández-Armesto, Felipe: “‘Aztec’ auguries and memories of the conquest of Mexico” i Renaissance Studies 6:3-4 (1992), s. 287-305

*Frank, Andre Gunder: Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America (New York: MR Press, 1967), s. 3-28

*Freyre, Gilberto: “The Negro Slave in the Sexual and Family Life of the Brazilian” i The Masters and the Slaves: A Study in the Development of Brazilian Civilization 2. utg. (New York: Alfred. A Knopf, 1956), s. 278-403

*Gareis, Iris: “Repression and cultural change: the ‘Extirpation of Idolatry’ in colonial Peru” i Nicholas Griffiths og Fernando Cervantes (red.): Spiritual Encounters: Interactions between Christianity and native religions in colonial America (Birmingham: University of Birmingham Press, 1999), s. 230 – 254

*Glick, Thomas: “Science and independence in Latin America, with special reference to New Granada” i Hispanic American Historical Review 71:2 (1991), s. 307-334

*Graham, Richard: “The Meaning of Independence” kap. 6 i Graham: Independence in Latin America: A Comparative Approach 2. utg (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994), s. 136 – 157

*Gruzinski, Serge: “Individualization and Acculturation: Confession among the Nahuas of Mexico from the Sixteenth to the Eighteent Century” i Lavrín, Asunción (red.): Sexuality and Marriage in Colonial Latin America (Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1989), s. 96-117

*Guerra, Fran?ois-Xavier: “The Spanish-American Tradition of Representation and its European Roots” i Journal of Latin American Studies 26:1 (1994), s. 1 – 35

*Hoetink, Harry: Caribbean race Relations: A Study of Two Variants (London: Oxford University Press, 1970), s. 1-35

*Karasch, Mary: “From Porterage to Propietorship: African Occupations in Rio de Janeiro, 1808 – 1850” i Stanley Engerman and Eugene Genovese (red.): Race and Slavery in the Western Hemisphere: Quantitative Studies (Princeton, 1975), s. 369 – 393

*Klor de Alba, Jorge J.: “Colonialism and Postcolonialism as (Latin) American Mirages” i Colonial Latin American Review 1:1-2 (1992), s. 3-24

*Kuznesof, Elizabeth A.: “Sexual Politics, Race and Bastard-Bearing in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: A Question of Culture or Power?” i Journal of Family History 16 (1991), s. 241-260

*Lastarria, José Victorino: Utdrag fra “Investigaciones sobre la influencia social de la Conquista i del sistema colonial de los espa?oles en Chile” i Benjamín Keen, Robert Buffington og Lila Caimari (red.): Keen’s Latin American Civilization; History and Society, 1492 to the present (Boulder: Westview, 2004), s. 278-281

*McFarlane, Anthony: “Rebellions in Late Colonial Spanish America: a Comparative Perspective” i Bulletin of Latin American Research 14:3 (1995), s. 313 – 338

*Metcalf, Alida: “Searching for the Slave Family in Colonial Brazil: A Reconstruction from S?o Paulo” i Journal of Family History 16:3 (1991), s. 283-297

*Rappaport, Joanne: “Imagining Andean Colonial Culture” i Ethnohistory 49: 3 (2002), s. 688-699

*Rowe, John Howland: “The Incas under Spanish Colonial Institutions” i The Hispanic American Historical Review 37:2 (1957), s. 155 – 199

*Saeger, James Schofield: “Origins of the Rebellion of Paraguay” i Hispanic American Historical Review 52:2 (1972), s. 215-229

*Schwartz, Stuart B.: “Sugar Plantation Labor and Slave Life” i Schwartz: Slaves, peasants, and rebels: Reconsidering Brazilian Slavery (Urbana: University of Chicago Press, 1992), s. 39 – 63

*Schwartz, Stuart B.: “The Mocambo: Slave Resistance in Colonial Bahia” i Richard Price (red.:) Maroon Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in the Americas 2. utg. (Baltimore, 1979), s. 202 – 226

*Spalding, Karen: “Social Climbers: Changing Patterns of Mobility among the Indians of Colonial Peru” i Hispanic American Historical Review 50:4 (1970), s. 645 – 664

*Stern, Steve J.: “The Tricks of Time: Colonial Legacies and Historical Sensibilities in Latin America” i Alderman, Jeremy (red.): Colonial Legacies: The Problem of Persistence in Latin American History (New York og London: Routledge, 1999), s. 135-150

Stern, Steve J.(red.): Resistance, Rebellion, and Consciousness in the Andean Peasant World, 18th to 20th Centuries (Madison, 1987) F?lgende artikler: Stern: “The Age of Andean Insurrection, 1742 – 1781: A Reappraisal” s. 34 – 93; Salomon, Frank: “Ancestor Cults and Resistance to the State in Arequipa, ca. 1748 – 1754” s. 148 – 165; Szeminski, Jan: “Why Kill the Spaniard? New Perspectives on Andean Insurrectionary Ideology in the 18th Century” s. 166 – 192; Flores Galindo, Alberto: “In Search of an Inca” s. 193 – 210; Campbell, Leon G.: “Ideology and factionalism during the great rebellion: 1780-1782” s.110-139

*Todorov, Tzvetan: “The Conquest as Seen by the Aztecs” i Todorov: The Morals of History (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995), s. 17-33

*Townsend, Camilla: “Burying the White Gods: New Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico” i American Historical Review 108:3 (2003), s. 659-687

*Uribe-Uran, Victor: “The Birth of a Public Sphere in Latin America During the Age of Revolution” i Comparative Studies in Society and History 42:2 (2000), s. 425-457

*Wiarda, Howard og Kline, Harvey F.: “The Pattern of Historical Development” i Wiarda/ Kline (red.): Latin American Politics and Development 5. utg (Boulder: Westview, 2000), s. 17-24

Publisert 6. des. 2005 10:01 - Sist endret 6. des. 2005 15:12