EUS4900 – International Project Semester, European Languages

Course content

You will have an internship for one semester at a workplace in another country in the part of the world that your study option covers. The employer can be a Norwegian embassy, a consulate, a Norwegian company with an office abroad, a foreign company or an NGO. You can also apply for internships through the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (KD) or another workplace in Norway that is relevant for your studies. You can follow students who are currently doing internships abroad on Instagram and read internship interviews here (in Norwegian).

The semester is divided between your internship work for your employer and your own work on a term paper. Your work will be organized in such a way that you will get varied tasks that give insight into the work done at your workplace. 12-18 hours per week will be set aside for your term paper work, which is connected to your employer’s business and needs. You will develop the subject of the term paper in cooperation with your employer and your supervisor from UiO. Your supervisor has to approve the set subject for the term paper. You should know who your supervisor is and what the subject for the term paper will be before you travel and/or start your internship.

If you fulfill the requirements for course admission, you can:

  • apply for an internship through UiO’s agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD). You can only contact the embassy/consulate through the program.
  • apply for an internship through UiO’s agreement with the Ministry of Education and Research (KD).
  • apply for other internships announced through the program
  • find a relevant internship on your own. If you do so, the internship has to be approved by the relevant department at ILOS.

Learning outcome

Through the internship, you will have learned to:

  • work in a team at a workplace abroad
  • plan, implement and report on a project
  • relate theory with practice
  • work independently with a project term paper

You will also get work experience within your academic field and geographical area of study, increased awareness of your own competency and skills, and an experience base for working on your Master’s thesis.

Admission to the course

Who can apply?

Only students in Master’s programs where EUS4900 is recognized, can apply for admission.

The course will only be offered to individual students when there is an internship available that is relevant to their studies. It is up to the employer to decide who they will hire for the internship. Admission to the agreements with UD and KD is limited to the number of internships available.

Applications deadlines for UDs foreign service stations:

  • October 1st for internships in the spring semester
  • March 1st for the autumn semester.

The application deadlines for the agreement with KD is usually in April/May and October/November. Students will receive e-mails about this when the announcement from KD is available.

Questions and applications can be sent to the student administration at the department (ILOS):

We have information meetings before each deadline, and you should participate in those if you plan on applying for an internship though the program, regardless of which type of internship you are interested in.

When applying through the agreements with UD or KD, you must:

  • fill out an application form (bokm?l/nynorsk) and submit it by the deadline;
  • write a personal application in English, approximately 1 computer written page;
  • attach your CV;
  • attach your official transcript of records in English
  • attach a letter of recommendation from one of your professors/lecturers.

When applying for an internship you have found on your own, you must:

  • fill out an application form (bokm?l/nynorsk) and submit it by the deadline;
  • have the internship approved by your program

If necessary, ILOS can help with sending information about Interpro and the standard contract to external employers. If you get an internship outside of our agreements, you will be responsible for acquiring your own VISA. You should check the requirements for that early in the process.

Formal prerequisite knowledge

You must have obtained at least 30 ECTS within your study program before going abroad/starting your internship.

One semester abroad as a student as part of your Bachelor’s degree.

Overlapping courses


You will get supervision on your term paper in Norwegian and/or the language of study. The supervision will mainly happen via phone/video calls and e-mail. You will submit an outline and a first draft to your supervisor, which you can then discuss.

We recommend that you yourself contact potential supervisors from the department. If you do not find one on your own, we will assign you a supervisor.

UiO has the academic responsibility for quality assurance of the proposed term paper subject and the content of the paper, in addition to the follow-up during the semester.


The form of assessment in this course is a term paper. You can either write one term paper of approximately 20 pages, or 2-3 shorter papers totaling a minimum of 20 pages. In addition to this, you will write an abstract of your term paper of around 1-3 pages.

Language of examination

The term paper is written in the language that is commonly used in your study program.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Resit an examination

The term paper must be submitted in the same semester as the intership

A term paper submitted in this course that has not passed, can be resubmitted once after being re-worked, within a set deadline. A term paper that has received a passing grade, cannot be resubmitted.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 5, 2024 10:30:07 PM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn

Internship with no ordinary teaching

Spring and autumn
Teaching languages
  • English
  • Norwegian