
We provide a general list of references on forced immigration that is focused on recent migratory movements within the European context. We also recommend some other works whose theoretical perspective can be applied to the context of the course. Additionally, each lecturer will recommend other material relating to the week’s main topic, focusing  on particular geographical areas, theoretical perspectives, and a diversity of artistic, cultural, political, economic or social factors.

References marked with (*) are mandatory to consult. Others are highly recommended.

Books / Handbooks / Research Repositories

Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Gil Loescher, Katy Long, and Nando Sigona. The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. 1st ed. Oxford UP, 2014. Web. [Link Oria]  (*)

Brettell, Caroline B. Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 2014. Print.  [Link Oria; Link Google Books] (*)

Gold, Steven J.., and Stephanie J.. Nawyn. Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies. London: Routledge, 2013. Print. Routledge International Handbooks. [Link Oria] (*)

CEPS Thinking ahead of Europe. Research area of Migration. 2015-. Website. [Link]

Articles and Chapters

Ahmed, Sarah. “Melancholic Migrants” in The Promise of Happiness. Duke UP: 2012. 121–159. [Link Google Books]

Ansems de Vries, Leonie, Sergio Carrera and Elspeth Guild. “Documenting the Migration Crisis in the Mediterranean Spaces of Transit, Migration Management and Migrant Agency.” CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe (2016): 1-8. [Link PDF] (*)

Anzaldúa, Gloria. “Towards a New Consciousness” in Borderlands: The New Mestiza = La Frontera. San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1987.  [Link Oria] [Link PDF]

Danewid, Ida. "White Innocence in the Black Mediterranean: Hospitality and the Erasure of History.” Third World Quarterly 38.7 (2017): 1674-689. Web. [Link Oria] (*)

Glissant, Edouard. “Open Boat” & “Errantry/Exile” in Poetics of Relation. U of Michigan P, 1997.   [Link PDF]

Grosz, Elizabeth.Bodies-Citiesin Grosz, Elizabeth. Space, Time, and Perversion : Essays on the Politics of Bodies. New York: Routledge, 1995. Print. [Link Oria] [Link PDF] (*)

Thacker, Andrew. “The Idea of Critical Literary Geography” in Tally Jr., R. T. The Routledge Handbook of Literature and Space. London: Routledge, 2017. 28-38. [Link Publisher] (*)

Turton, David. “Conceptualising forced migration.” RSC Working Paper 12 (2003): 1-17. [Link PDF] (*)

Viznor, Gerald. “Fugitive Poses” in Fugitive Poses. U of Nebraska P, 1998. 145–165. [Link Google Books]

Websites and online Projects

The New Arrivals. A long-term project tracking migrants and refugees as they settle in Europe. The Guardian-el País-Le Monde-Spiegel. European Journalism Centre, 2017. Website. [] (*)

Migration and Human Rights. United Nations. Human Rights. Website. []

"People and Power”. Search for Migration into Europe from 2015 onwards. AlJazeera-TV Channel. Web.[Link] (*)

Archive of Immigrant Voices. The Center for Global Migration Studies. 2012. Website. [] (*)

L'Archivio delle memorie migranti (AMM). Website. Vimeo. 2012. [Link]

Documentary Films and Videos

Ali, Zakaria Mohamed. To Whom It May Concern. L'Archivio delle memorie migranti (AMM). Vimeo. 2012. Video. Online. [Link] (*)

Bienmann, Ursula. Sahara Chronicle, 2007. [Link]

Spottorno, Carlos and Guillermo Abril. At the Gates of Europe. El País Semanal, 2014. WorldPhoto. Video. Online. [Link] (*)

Spottorno, Carlos and Guillermo Abril. Europe Closes the Border. El País Semanal, 2016. Vimeo. Video. Online. [Link]


Published Oct. 10, 2018 3:25 PM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2020 10:23 AM