Syllabus/achievement requirements


  • David E. Nye (ed.): Beyond the Crisis in US American Studies: Scandinavian Perspectives (University Press of Southern Denmark, Odense, 2007).
  • John Tosh: The Pursuit of History: aims, methods and new directions in the study of history, 6th edition (Routledge, Abingdon, New York, 2015).
  • Graeme Turner: British Cultural Studies: An introduction, 3rd edition (Routledge, Abingdon, New Work, 2003).


Encyclopaedia articles:


Articles and reviews – history and national studies (uploaded to Canvas or online):

On revolution and the formation of nations:

  • H. T. Dickinson, “Why did the American Revolution not spread to Ireland?”, Valahian Journal of Historical Studies, issue: 18-19 / 2012-2013, pp. 155-180.
  • Christopher Pearl, “Franklin’s Turn: Imperial Politics and the Coming of the American Revolution”, The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 136, No. 2 (April 2012), pp. 117-139.
  • Robert Nisbet, “Hannah Arendt and the American Revolution”, Social Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, Hannah Arendt (Spring 1977), pp. 63-79. 

On social identity and the political:

  • Philippa Levine: “Naked Truths: Bodies, Knowledge, and the Erotics of Colonial Power”, Journal of British Studies, 52 (January, 2013), 5-25
  • Steven Watts, “The Idiocy of American Studies: Poststructuralism, Language, and Politics in the Age of Self-Fulfilment”, American Quarterly Vol. 43, No. 4 (Dec., 1991), pp. 625-660.      

Essays/articles on identity and memory:

  • Linda Colley, “Britishness and Otherness: An Argument”, Journal of British Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, ‘Britain and Europeanness: Who are the British Anyway?’ (Oct. 1992), pp. 309-329
  • Jeremy Paxman, “What Empire did for Britain”,  The Daily Telegraph (2 October 2011).
  • Joshua Mitchell, “[America] After Globalism and Identity Politics,” Providence: A Journal of Chrisitanity and American Foreign Policy, August 29, 2016 (
  • Paulk Wallis, “American Identity Crisis? What’s An American identity?” Digital Journey, Dec 29, 2008.
  • Gregory Jay, “Review: White Out: Race and Nationalism in American Studies”;
  • Reviewed Work: Death of a Nation: American Culture and the End of Exceptionalism by David W. Noble, American Quarterly, Vol. 55, No. 4 (Dec., 2003), pp. 781-795
  • Susan Curtis, Reviewed Work: Death of a Nation: American Culture and the End of Exceptionalism by David W. Noble, Contemporary Sociology Vol. 32, No. 6 (Nov., 2003), pp. 719-721
  • Robert T. Tally Jr.: “‘Believing in America’: The Politics of American Studies in a Postnational Era” The Americanist: Warsaw Journal for the Study of the United States, vol 23 (2006): 69-82.
  • Assman, J & J Czaplicka, “Collective Memory and Cultural Identity” New German Critique, No. 65, Cultural History/Cultural Studies (Spring - Summer,1995), pp. 125-133
  • Assman, A, “Introduction” & Memory as Ars and Vis in Cultural Memory and Western Civilisation, 1-9, 17-22.
  • Bodnar, J. “Public Memory in Nineteenth-Century America: Background and Context,” in Remaking America, 21-38 (handout).
  • Duncan S. A. Bell, DAS. Mythscapes: memory, mythology, and national
  • Identity,” The British Journal of SociologyVolume 54, Issue 1, Version of Record online: 15 DEC 2003
Published May 30, 2018 4:08 PM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2020 10:20 AM