

  • Lance Armstrong, with Sally Jenkins, It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life
  • Mark Doty, Dog Years
  • Marc Forster, dir., World War Z [film]
  • Michel Foucault, The Foucault Reader, ed. Paul Rabinow
  • Michel Foucault, “Society Must Be Defended”: Lectures at the College de France, 1975-1976
  • Jonathan M. Metzl, The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease
  • Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors [combined in one volume]
  • Terry Tempest Williams, Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place
  • Cary Wolfe, Before the Law: Humans and Other Animals in a Biopolitical Frame

Recommended reading:

  • Robert Dale Parker, How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies
Publisert 20. okt. 2014 11:33