

Howard’s End, E.M. Forster (1910)

Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston (1937)

Orlando, Virginia Woolf (1928)

Good Morning Midnight, Jean Rhys (1939)

On Beauty, Zadie Smith (2005)


Primary texts:

Edgar Allen Poe, “The Man of the Crowd” (1840)

James Joyce, “Araby,” “Eveline,” and “A Little Cloud” from Dubliners (1914)

Djuna Barnes, “My Sisters and I at a New York Prize Fight” (1914) and “How It Feels to Be Forcibly Fed” from New York (1914)

Gertrude Stein, excerpts from Tender Buttons (1912)

Ernest Hemingway, “Soldier’s Home” (1925)

T.S. Eliot, “The Waste Land” (1922)

William Faulkner, “Barn Burning”

Mina Loy, “Partuition”

Secondary Texts:

“The Painter of Modern Life,” Charles Baudelaire

“Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown,” Virginia Woolf

“Mass Culture as Woman: Modernism’s Other,” Andreas Huyssen

“Modernism and Imperialism,” Fredric Jameson

Published May 25, 2007 2:35 PM - Last modified May 25, 2007 2:35 PM