
Where nothing else is indicated, the texts are found in The Norton Anthology, Vol. II. The photocopied texts, which should be purchased at 'kopiutsalget', Akademika, are marked (*).

Thomas Carlyle, From Past and Present, the extracts in the anthology.

Alfred Tennyson,

  • 'The Lady of Shalott'
  • From In Memoriam A.H.H: 'Prologue' og 7, 21, 34-35, 54-56, 95, 118, 124, 130

Robert Browning, 'The Bishop Orders His Tomb ...'

Emily Bront?

  • 'I'm Happiest When Most Away'
  • 'Remembrance'
  • 'No Coward Soul Is Mine'

Matthew Arnold, from Culture and Anarchy

  • 'Sweetness and Light', the extracts in the anthology
  • 'Doing As One Likes', the extracts in the anthology

Gerard Manley Hopkins

  • 'God's Grandeur'
  • 'Pied Beauty'
  • 'No Worst, There Is None'

Christina Rossetti

  • 'An Apple-Gathering'
  • 'Up-Hill'
  • 'Goblin Market'
  • 'A Life's Parallels'

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7.utg. 'The Victorian Age, 1830-1901: Introduction'. ss. 1043-1063.

John Ruskin, from Sesame and Lilies, 'Of Queen's Gardens' (*) Can be purchased as 'ENG2305 The victorian Period' at 'Kopiutsalget', Akademika.

John Stuart Mill: The Subjection of Women, Hackett.

Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species, Penguin. Kap. 3, 4, 9, 10, 14.

Charles Dickens: Dombey and Son, Penguin.

George Elliot: The Mill on the Floss, Penguin.

Thomas Hardy: Jude the Obscure, Penguin.

Walter E. Houghton: The Victorian Frame of Mind, Yale. Kap. 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13.

Published Mar. 6, 2005 12:23 PM