
Sherwood Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio,

William Faulkner: Go Down, Moses,

Eudora Welty: The Golden Apples,

Margaret Laurence: A Bird in the House, McClelland and Stewart, 1989 (Available in compendium 'ENG4325 Theorizing the American and Canadian Short Story Cycle/Composite no. 2').

Alice Munro: Who Do You Think You Are?,

Theoretical Reading

Rolf Lunden: The United Stories of America: Studies in the Short Story Composite, 1999. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

A selection of essays and articles in compendium 'ENG4325 Theorizing American and Canadian Short Story Cycles/Composites no.1'(Available at Kopiutsalget, Akademika):

  • Ingram, Forrest L. "Introduction" + "Ch.V – Sherwood Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio" + "Conclusion", i Representative Short Story Cycles of the Twentieth Century, Mouton 1971 ss. 13 – 25 og 143 – 203
  • Kennedy, Gerald J. "Introduction: The American Short Story Sequence – Definitions and Implications", i (Red.) J. Gerald Kennedy, Modern American Short Story Sequences, Cambridge University Press, 1995 ss. vii – xv
  • Rowe, John Carlos "The African-American Voice in Faulkner's Go Down, Moses", i (Red.) Kennedy, J. Gerald, Modern American Short Story Sequences, Cambridge University Press, 1995 ss. 76 – 97
  • Kennedy, Gerald J. "From Anderson's Winesburg to Carver's Cathedral" [excerpt], i (Red.) J. Gerald Kennedy, Modern American Short Story Sequences, Cambridge University Press, 1995 ss. 194 – 202 og 214 – 215
  • Dunn, Maggie og Ann Morris "Preface" + Ch. 1, i The Composite Novel: The Short Story Cycle in Transition,Twayne Publishers 1995 ss. xiii – xv, 1 – 19, 121 – 124
  • Lynch, Gerald "Preface" + "Introduction: The Canadian Short Story and Story Cycle" + "Chapter 5 – No Honey, I'm Home:Alice Munro's Who Do You think You Are?", i Gerald Lynch The One and the Many: English-Canadian Short Story Cycles, University of Toronto Press, 2001 ss. xi – xvi, 3 – 32, 159 – 181, 193 – 198 og 214 - 218
  • McHaney, Thomas L. "Falling into Cycles: The Golden Apples", i (Red.) Dawn Trouard Eudora Welty: Eye of the Storyteller, Kent State University Press, 1989 ss. 173 – 189 og 213 – 214
  • Pitavy-Souques, Daniele "Technique as Myth: The Structure of The Golden Apples", i Peggy Whitman Prenshaw Eudora Welty: Critical Essays, University Press of Mississippi, 1979 ss. 258 – 268
  • Millgate, Michael "Go Down, Moses", i The Achievement of William Faulkner, Random House, 1966 ss. 201 - 214
  • Tick, Stanley "The Unity of Go Down, Moses", i (Red.) Linda Welshimer Wagner William Faulkner: Four Decades of Criticism, Michigan State University Press, 1973 ss. 327 – 334
  • Mathews, Lawrence "Who Do You think You Are?: Alice Munro's Art of Disarrangement", i (Red.) Louise MacKendrick, Probable Fictions: Alice Munro's Narrative Acts, ECW Press, 1983 ss. 181 – 193
  • Howells, Coral Ann "Only Formal Connections: The Beggar Maid: Stories of Flo and Rose", i Alice Munro, Manchester University Press, 1998 ss. 51 – 66 og 161 – 162
  • Morley, Patricia "Jericho's Brick Battlements", i Margaret Laurence, Twayne Publishers, 1981 ss. 109 - 119
  • Thompson, Kent "Review of A Bird in the House", i (Red.) William New, Margaret Laurence, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1977 ss. 152 – 155
  • Laurence, Margaret "Time and the Narrative Voice", i (Red.) William New Margaret Laurence, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1977 ss. 156 – 160

Publisert 6. mars 2005 12:20