Syllabus/achievement requirements

All articles in Modern Criticism and Theory, ed. David Lodge and Nigel Wood, 3rd ed. (Harlow: Longman, 2008):

  • Roman Jakobson, ‘Linguistics and poetics’ and ‘The metaphoric and metonymic poles’
  • Virginia Woolf, ‘Chapter Two of A Room of One’s Own
  • Simone de Beauvoir, ‘Myth and reality, and Woman’s situation and character’ (from The Second Sex)
  • Jacques Derrida, ‘Structure, sign and play in the discourse of the human sciences’
  • Mikhail Bakhtin, ‘From the prehistory of novelistic discourse’
  • E.D. Hirsch, Jf. ‘In defence of the author’ (from Validity in Interpretation)
  • Michel Foucault, ‘What is an author?’
  • Wolfgang Iser, ‘The reading process: a phenomenological approach
  • Roland Barthes, ‘The Death of the author’
  • Raymond Williams, ‘Country and City’ (from The Country and the City)
  • Edward Said, ‘Crisis’ [in orientalism]
  • Stanley Fish, ‘Interpreting the Variorum’
  • J. Hillis Miller, ‘The critic as host’
  • Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, ‘The beast in the closet’
  • Fredric Jameson, ‘Postmodernism and consumer society’
  • Stephen Greenblatt, ‘The circulation of social energy’
  • Jerome McGann, ‘The textual condition’
  • Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, ‘Questions of multiculturalism, and The post-colonial critic’
  • Judith Butler, ‘Critically queer’ (from Bodies That Matter)
  • Terry Eagleton, ‘The rise and fall of theory’ (from After Theory)

Published Oct. 12, 2010 9:45 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2011 5:22 PM