
Terry Eagleton: The Function of Criticism: From 'The Spectator' to Post-Structuralism, (1984) 1996.

M. H. Abrams, 'Introduction: Orientation of Critical Theories,' in The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition

David Robey, 'Anglo-American New Criticism,' in Modern Literary Theory, edited by Ann Jefferson and David Robey (1986) (f?s kj?pt som kompendium ENG4310 p? Kopiutsalget, Akademika)

F?lgende essays i Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader, edited by David Lodge with Nigel Wood (2000):

  • Stanley Fish, 'Interpreting the Variorum'
  • E. D. Hirsch Jr., 'Faulty Perspectives'
  • Harold Bloom, 'Poetic Origins and Final Phases'
  • Stephen Greenblatt, 'The Circulation of Social Energy'
  • James Hillis Miller, 'The Critic as Host'
  • M. H. Abrams, 'The Deconstructive Angel'
  • Patrocinio P. Schweickart, 'Reading Ourselves: Towards a Feminist Theory of Reading'
  • Juliet Mitchell, 'Femininity, Narrative and Psychoanalysis'
  • Elaine Showalter, 'Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness'

Published Mar. 6, 2005 12:13 PM