Examination: Time and place

For some courses, the time and place for exams has not yet been decided. Information about these exams will be published as soon as it is available.

Examination system

Closing date

23 November

Written examination

7 December at 09:00?(4?hours).

  • Gymsal 1? Idrettsbygningen

Examination system

Closing date

26 November


Semester assignment

Submission deadline: 10 December at 14:00

Besvarelsen skal leveres i Fronter i emnets fellesrom under Eksamensinnlevering" innen kl. 14.00 p? innleveringsdagen. Da stenger mappen automatisk. F?r du problemer med ? levere, s? ta snarest kontakt med eksamenskonsulenten.

Husk at besvarelsen skal v?re anonym, s? bruk kandidatnummer i filnavnet.

Besvarelsens forside skal inneholde:

-kandidatnummer (hentes fra StudentWeb).

-emnekode og emnenavn

-semester og ?r

-oppgavens tittel

Bruk Times New Roman, 12. pkt, halvannen linjeavstand. I topptekstfeltet skriver du kandidatnummer, emnekode og semester. Husk ogs? at alle sider skal nummereres.

F?r du leverer, m? du lese igjennom Universitetes ikke-fuskerkl?ring og godtatt denne ved ? klikke i boksen. Deretter kan du laste opp besvarelsen din.

Practical information about time and place

The places of your examinations/assessments will be published at least one week before the examination takes place. Some courses require that you log on to the StudentWeb for information about the time and place of your examination(s). In the event of information about the place of your exam being given by other means than the StudentWeb, you will be notified. See map of UiO to find your exam location

For most examinations you must report to the examination room 15 minutes before the examination is due to start. Remember to bring some form of valid identification bearing a photograph (for example, a University of Oslo student card, a bank card, passport etc)!

Examination results

You will find your examination results by logging on to StudentWeb.

For more information on the examinations and assessment relating to this course, check the course description.