

  • Biber, Douglas and Susan Conrad. 2009. Register, Genre, and Style. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Paltridge, Brian. 2012. Discourse Analysis. London & New York: Bloomsbury.

Articles available in Fronter:

  • Leech, Geoffrey. 2007 [1966]. Linguistics and the figures of rhetoric. In G. Leech, 2007, Language in Literature: Style and Foregrounding. London: Longman, 11-27.
  • Semino, Elena. 2011. Deixis and fictional minds. Style 45(3), 428-440.
  • Toolan, Michael. 1998. Chapter 5, Recording speech and thought. In Language in literature: An introduction to stylistics. London: Arnold, 105-135.

In addition students must find and read at least two other articles relevant to their case study.

    Published May 3, 2017 2:55 PM - Last modified May 3, 2017 2:55 PM