Syllabus/achievement requirements


  • D?rnyei, Z. 2007. “Qualitative Data Analysis.” In Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 242–267. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Available in Canvas]
  • Rasinger, S. M. 2013. Quantitative Research in Linguistics: An Introduction. 2nd ed. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Sealey, A. 2010. Researching English Language: A Resource Book for Students. London: Routledge.
  • Turabian, K. L. 2013. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers. 8th ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Scotland, J. 2012. “Exploring the Philosophical Underpinnings of Research: Relating Ontology and Epistemology to the Methodology and Methods of the Scientific, Interpretive, and Critical Research Paradigms.” English Language Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 9: 9-16. [Available in Canvas]

Other resources

  • Podesva, R.J. & D. Sharma (eds.). 2013. Research Methods in Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP.



Published Nov. 22, 2019 3:03 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2019 3:03 PM