- Walter BAGEHOT: The English Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2009).
- Vernon BOGDANOR: The New British Constitution (Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, 2009).
- Eric J. EVANS: Parliamentary Reform, c. 1770-1918 (Pearson Education, London, 2000).
- H. T. DICKINSON: Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Methuen, London, 1977).
- Note that this book is out of print, but second-hand copies are available from online bookshops at a very reasonable price. It also exists as a compendium sold by the university bookshop Akademika (a reproduction in A4-format).
Tekst utdelt av fagl?rer:
- Anthony KING: The British Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2007), kap. 1, ’What Is a Constitution?’, s. 1-14.
Elektronisk tekst:
- Vernon BOGDANOR: The Crisis of the Constitution: The General Election and the Future of the United Kingdom (The Constitution Society, 2015).