
Kommentarer til pensumlisten

  • Pensumtekstene er samlet i 5 forskjellige antologier + et kompendium som finnes i Akademika.
  • Kompendiet er lovet ferdig til semesterstart; her vil man finne det novelle-teoretiske stoffet, samt en del noveller.
  • Et antall noveller finnes i Nina Baym, ed., The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Shorter Sixth Edition, evt. tidligere utg. av denne antologien), som mange av studentene vil ha benyttet i andre kurs ved IBA.
  • Dessuten baserer kurset seg p? at studentene kj?per R. V. Cassill and Richard Bausch, eds., The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction (Shorter Sixth Edition), som skal v?re p? plass i Akademika til semesterstart.
  • Tre andre antologier som er bestilt, har Akademika pr. 16.12.03 problemer med ? skaffe. Dersom disse ikke foreligger ved semsterstart, vil det bli laget et kompendium nr. 2; beskjed om n?r dette foreligger vil bli gitt ved kursets begynnelse/bli lagt ut p? kursets web-side s? snart informasjonen foreligger.


Et bredt utvalg tekster hentet fra den anglo-amerikanske novelletradisjonen, med hovedvekt p? den amerikanske og kanadiske, samt et utvalg tekster som tar opp sentrale temaer innen moderne novelleteori.

Amerikanske noveller:

  • Washington Irving, "Rip van Winkle"
  • Edgar Allan Poe, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue"; "The Fall of the House of Usher"
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Roger Malvin's Burial"
  • Herman Melville, "Bartleby the Scrivener"
  • Henry James, "The Real Thing"
  • Mark Twain, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"
  • Bret Harte, "Tennessee's Partner"
  • Sarah Orne Jewett, "A White Heron"
  • Stephen Crane, "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky"
  • O. Henry, "Gift of the Magi"
  • Ernest Hemingway, "Cat in the Rain"; "Hills Like White Elephants"
  • Sherwood Anderson, "Hands"
  • William Faulkner, "Barn Burning"
  • Eudora Welty, "Petrified Man"
  • Katherine Anne Porter, "Flowering Judas"
  • Bernard Malamud, "The Magic Barrel"
  • Donald Barthelme, "Report"
  • Raymond Carver, "Why Don't You Dance?"

Kanadiske noveller:

  • Thomas Chandler Haliburton, "The Clockmaker"
  • Susanna Moodie, "Brian, the Still-Hunter"
  • Ernest Thompson Seton, "Lobo, the King of Currumpaw"
  • Duncan Campbell Scott, "Paul Farlotte"
  • Stephen Leacock, "The Marine Excursion of the Knights of Pythias"
  • Sinclair Ross, "The Lamp at Noon"
  • Morley Callaghan, "Two Fishermen"
  • Ethel Wilson, "Mr. Sleepwalker"
  • Mavis Gallant, "The Moslem Wife"
  • Alice Munroe, "Friend of My Youth"
  • Margaret Atwood, "Bluebeard's Egg"
  • W. D. Valgardson, "The Cave"
  • Rudy Wiebe, "Where Is the Voice Coming From?"
  • George Bowering, "A Short Story"

?vrige noveller:

  • Chinua Achebe, "Civil Peace"
  • Thea Astley, "A Northern Belle"
  • Peter Carey, "Do You Love Me?"
  • Angela Carter, "The Company of Wolves"
  • Nadine Gordimer, "No Place Like"
  • James Joyce, "Araby"
  • Witi Ihimaera, "The Washerwoman's Daughter"
  • Hanif Kureishi, "My Son the Fanatic"
  • D. H. Lawrence, "The Horse Dealer's Daughter"
  • Katherine Mansfield, "The Doll's House"
  • V. S. Naipaul, "My Aunt Gold Teeth"


  • Edgar Allan Poe, "Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Review"
  • Brander Matthews, "The Philosophy of the Short-Story"
  • Sherwood Anderson, "Form, Not Plot"
  • Mary Louise Pratt, "Short Story: The Long and Short of It"
  • Norman Friedman, "Recent Short Story Theories: Problems in Definition"
  • Austin Wright, "On Defining the Short Story: The Genre Question"
  • Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, Understanding Fiction (utvalgte sider)
  • John Gerlach, Toward the End: Closure and Structure in the American Short Story (utvalgte sider)
  • David Lodge, "Analysis and Interpretation of the Realist Text: A Pluralistic Approach to Ernest Hemingway's 'Cat in the Rain.'"

Published Mar. 6, 2005 11:52 AM