

Arthur Miller: The Crucible,

Joseph Heller: Catch-22,

Jack Kerouac: On the Road,

John Updike: Rabbit, Run,

Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar,

Selections from The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Fifth Edition Shorter)


  • Allen Ginsberg: "Howl", Part I
  • Bernard Malamud: "The Magic Barrel"
  • Gwendolyn Brooks: "To the Diaspora"
  • Sylvia Plath: "Lady Lazarus"
  • Flannery O'Connor: "Good Country People"



Compendium 'ENG2311 America in the 50s & 60s' (available at Kopiutsalget, Akademika).


  • Gwendolyn Brooks: "The Lovers of the Poor"
  • James Baldwin: "Sonny's Blues"
  • Grace Paley: "The Loudest Voice"
  • Bob Dylan: "The Times They Are A-Changin'" , "With God on Our Side"



Prim?rlitteratur (Primary reading)

Paul S. Boyer: Promises to Keep: The United States since World War II, 2nd ed., 1999. Chapters 3-11.

William Chafe and Harvard Sitkoff, eds.: A History of Our Time: Readings on Postwar America. 6th ed. , 2003. Chapters which are primary reading are specified below.

Part 1: The Cold War Abroad and At Home

  • Introduction
  • The Need to Contain Soviet Expansion - George F. Kennan, 13
  • The Truman Doctrine - Harry S. Truman, 19
  • NSC-68: A Report to the National Security Council, 23
  • HUAC Investigates Hollywood, 28
  • The Internal Communist Menace - Joseph R. McCarthy, 37


Part 2: The Politics of the Affluent Society

  • Introduction
  • A Revisionist View of Eisenhower - Stephen Ambrose, 78
  • “The Great Society: Remarks at the University of Michigan”(1964) – Lyndon B. Johnson, 97
  • Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism – Bruce J. Schulman, 102


Part 3: Civil Rights and Racial Justice

  • Introduction
  • Declaration of Constitutional Principles: The Southern Manifesto (1956), 126
  • A Lunch-Counter Sit-In in Jackson, Mississippi (1968) – Anne Moody, 146
  • Black Panther Party, What We Want, What We Believe (1966), 161
  • Indians of All Tribes, Proclamation (1969), 173


Part 4: Struggles over Gender and Sexual Liberation

  • Introduction
  • No More Miss America (1968) – Robin Morgan and New York Radical Women, 198
  • What’s Wrong with “Equal Rights” for Women? (1972) – Phyllis Schlafly, 207
  • Sexual Revolution(s) – Beth Bailey, 227


Part 5: Vietnam War

  • Introduction
  • “Dump Johnson” – William H. Chafe, 263
  • Vietnam Veterans against the War (1971) – John Kerry, 275
  • In Retrospect – Robert McNamara, 285
  • The Genuine Lessons of the Vietnam War – Michael Lind, 290


Part 6: Years of Polarization

  • Introduction
  • The Port Huron Statement - Students for a Democratic Society (1962), 298
  • Counterculture – Terry H. Anderson, 307
  • The Forgotten American - Peter Schrag (1969), 325


Sekund?rlitteratur (secondary reading)

John P. Diggins. : The Proud Decades: America in War and Peace, 1941-1960 , 1988. Norton.

John M. Blum. : Years of Discord: American Politics, 1961-1974, 1991. Norton.

Publisert 21. apr. 2005 10:31 - Sist endret 19. sep. 2019 11:26