
Starred entries are found in Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2, Ninth Edition. All other shorter works will be uploaded to Fronter. So if you already have the Norton, you just need to buy the novels and Tucker.

Novels and novellas

  • George Eliot, Middlemarch (1872)
  • Charlotte Bront?, Jane Eyre (1847)
  • Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White (1859)
  • R.L. Stevenson, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) *


  • Christina Rossetti, ‘Goblin Market’ (1862) *
  • Robert Browning, ‘A Forgiveness’ (1876)
  • Augusta Webster, ‘Circe’ (1870)
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ‘Grief’ (1844)
  • Christina Rossetti, ‘After Death’ (1862) *
  • Thomas Hood, ‘The Bridge of Sighs’ (1844)
  • Alfred Tennyson, excerpts from In Memoriam A.H.H. (1849) *


  • Florence Marryat, excerpt from There Is No Death (1891)
  • W.T. Stead, excerpts from The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon(1885)
  • Henry Mayhew, ‘Watercress Girl’, from London Labour and the London Poor (1851)
  • Annie Besant, ‘The “White Slavery” of London Match Workers’ (1873) *

Neo-Victorian writing

  • A.S. Byatt, excerpts from Possession (1990)
  • Sarah Waters, excerpts from Fingersmith (2002)


  • Herbert Tucker, A Companion to Victorian Literature
Published Oct. 23, 2017 12:36 PM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2018 1:58 PM