
Texts in

  • * Romanticism: An Anthology, ed. Duncan Wu, 4th edn (Blackwell, 2012)
  • * Robin Jarvis, The Romantic Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context 1780—1830 (Longman, 2004)
  • Texts marked with * are texts for purchase.


  • William Blake (1757—1827),
    • ‘The Lamb’,‘The Tyger’,‘London’,‘The Sick Rose’
  • Robert Burns (1759—96),
    • ‘Tam O’Shanter. A Tale’,‘To a Mouse, on Turning her up in her Nest, with the Plough, November 1785’
  • William Wordsworth (1770—1850),
    • ‘Resolution and Independence’;‘The world is too much with us’;‘London 1802’‘My heart leaps up’;The Prelude 1799
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772—1834),
    • ‘Kubla Khan’;‘To Wordsworth’; from Biographia Literaria (selection in Wu, ed., Romanticism: An Anthology)
  • * From Wordsworth and Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads, ed. Michael Mason, 2nd edn (Longman, 2007; texts based on 1805 edition):
    • Wordsworth: Advertisement (1798);Preface (1802);‘Goody Blake and Harry Gill’;‘The Idiot Boy’;‘The Thorn’;‘Lines (Written a few miles above Tintern Abbey)’;‘The Old Cumberland Beggar’;‘Michael. A Pastoral’
  • Coleridge:
    • ‘The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere’
  • George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788—1824),
    • ‘Darkness’;Don Juan, Cantos 1 and 2
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792—1822),
    • ‘To Wordsworth’;‘Ozymandias’;‘To a Skylark’;‘England in 1819’
  • John Clare (1793—1864),
    • ‘The Flitting’; ‘I Am’
  • John Keats (1795—1821),
    • ‘On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer’; ‘When I have fears that I may cease to be’; ‘Ode to a Nightingale’; ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’; ‘Ode on Melancholy’; ‘To Autumn’
  • Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797—1851),
    • Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus (1818 text), ed. Susan J. Wolfson, 2nd edn (Longman, 2007)
  • Tom Stoppard (1937—),
    • Arcadia (1993); either in the Faber edition (2009), or else the (handily) annotated text in the Norton Anthology of English Literature, eighth or ninth editions.
Published May 13, 2013 10:14 AM