
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. II,

Utdrag fra Norton:

  • William Blake: "The Lamb", "Holy Thursday" I og II, "The Tyger", "London", The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: fra begynnelsen til og med "Proverbs of Hell" (Plate 10)

  • Mary Wollstonecraft, fra A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, kap. 4 (utdraget i antologien)

  • Wordsworth: "The Lucy Poems" ("Strange fits of passion...", "She dwelt ...", "Three years...", "A slumber...", "I travelled..."), "Nutting", "Resolution and Independence", "Ode: Intimations of Immortality..."

  • Dorothy Wordsworth: Fra The Alfoxden Journals, utdraget i antologien.Fra The Grasmere Journals, utdraget i antologien.

  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "Kubla Khan", "Dejection: An Ode", Fra Biographia Literaria, Fra Chapter 13, utdraget i antologien, Chapter 14.

  • Lord Byron: fra Childe Harold: Canto III, st. 17-28, Canto I, st. 90-94, 113-117, "Darkness"

  • Percy Bysshe Shelley: "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty", "Ode to the West Wind", "To a Sky-Lark", Fra Hellas, "The World's Great Age ...", "A Defence of Poetry", utdraget i antologien.

  • John Keats: fra Endymion, Book I, 1-33, "The Eve of St. Agnes", "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Ode on Melancholy", "To Autumn". Brev av 22.11.1817; 21.12.1817; 27.2.1818;27.10.1818; 16.8.1820. Utdragene i antologien.

  • Walter Scott: "The Two Drovers"

  • Charles Lamb: "Old China", "The Two Races of Men"

  • William Hazlitt, "My First Acquaintance with Poets"

Tekster fra kompendiet British Civilisation Texts: The Romantic Period, som f?s kj?pt p? kopiutsalget i Akademika:

  • Edmund Burke, et utdrag fra Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790).

  • Thomas Paine, et utdrag fra Rights of Man (1791.

  • William Cobbett, fra Rural Rides.

  • Lord Byron, fra Don Juan, "Dedication" st. 1-6, og fra Canto III, "The Isles of Greece".

  • Utdrag fra English Historical Documents, Vol. XI (1783-1832).

Owens: Lyrical Ballads:,


William Wordsworth:

  • "Advertisement"
  • "Goody Blake and Harry Gill"
  • "Simon Lee"
  • "Anecdote for Fathers"
  • "We are Seven"
  • "Lines Written in Early Spring"
  • "The Thorn"
  • "Expostulation and Reply"
  • "The Tables Turned"
  • "Tintern Abbey"

Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

  • "The Nightingale"
  • "The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere"

Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice,

Published Mar. 6, 2005 11:45 AM