Syllabus/achievement requirements



Articles in Compendium 'ENG2160 Language and Settlement in Britain, ca. 400-1200 A.D.' (Available at Kopiutsalget, Akademika):

  • Fellows-Jensen, Gillian (1982) 'Scandinavian settlement in England: the place-name evidence'. I H. Bekker-Nielsen og H.F. Nielsen, ed. Første Tværfaglige Vikingesymposium. Odense Universitet 1982. (Repr. Moesgård: Forlaget hikuin, 1985.)
  • Tolkien, J.R.R. (1963) 'English and Welsh'. I Angles and Britons. O'Donnell Lectures (Cardiff: University of Wales Press), ss. 1-41.
  • Dodgshon, R.A. og R.A. Butlin (1978) red. An Historical Geography of England and Wales (London, New York og San Francisco: Academic Press): 'Celts, Saxons and Scandinavians', ss. 45-68.
  • Dodgson, J.M. (1966) 'The significance of the distribution of the English place-names in ingas, inga in South-East England', Medieval Archaeology 10, ss. 1-29.
  • Fellows-Jensen, Gillian (1975) 'The vikings in England: a review', Anglo-Saxon England 4, ss. 181-206.
  • Jewell, Helen M. (1991) 'North and South: the antiquity of the great divide', Northern History 27, ss. 1-25.
  • Jackson, Kenneth H. (1955 og 1980) 'The Pictish language'. I F. Wainwright, red. The Problem of the Picts (Edinburgh, 1955. Ny utg. Perth: Melven, 1980), ss. 129-60 og (1980) 161-6.
  • Postles, David (2001) 'Defining the "North": some linguistic evidence', Northern History 38, ss. 27-46.
  • Russell, P.B. 'Place-name evidence for the survival of British settlements in the West Derby Hundred (Lancashire), after the Anglian invasions', Northern History 28 (1992), ss. 25-41.
  • Samuels, M.L. (1985) 'The Great Scandinavian Belt'. I R. Eaton et al., red. Papers from the 4th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam, 10-13 April, 1985 (Amsterdam: Benjamins), ss. 269-81. Opptrykk i Margaret Laing, red. Middle English Dialectology: essays on some principles and problems (Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1989).
  • Sims-Williams, P. (1983) 'The settlement of England in Bede and the Chronicle'. In Anglo-Saxon England 12, ss. 1-41.
  • Wilson, David (1992) Anglo-Saxon Paganism (London og New York: Routledge): ss. 5-21, 'The place-name evidence'.

Recommended reading:

  • Saul, Nigel (ed): The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England, 1997. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 308 s.
  • Christopher Haigh (Red.): The Cambridge Historical Encyclopaedia of Great Britain and Ireland, 1985. Cambride: CUP. 'Britons and Romans c. 100 BC- AD 409' (pp. 10-52), 'Saxons, Danes and Normans 409-1154' (pp.54-92).
Published May 13, 2013 10:14 AM