Syllabus/achievement requirements


Saeed, John I. 2009: Semantics, (Third edition) Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. 1-256.

Thomas, Jenny. 1995: Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics, London & New York: Longman.

Texts in compendium 'ENG2157 Semantics and Pragmatics' (Available at Kopiutsalget, Akademika at the beginning of term.):

  • Austin, John Langshaw. 1999. “How to do Things with Words.” In A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.): The Discourse Reader. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Brown, Penelope and Stephen C. Levinson. 1999. “Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage.” In A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.): The Discourse Reader. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Grice, Herbert Paul. 1989. “Logic and Conversation.” In H. P. Grice: Studies in the Way of Words. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
  • Spencer-Oatey, Helen. 2002. “Managing rapport in talk: Using rapport sensitive incidents to explore the motivational concerns underlying the management of relations.” Journal of Pragmatics 34/5: 529-545.
  • Stubbs, Michael. 2002. Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell. Chapter 1 and 2, pp. 3-53.
  • Wilson, Deirdre and Dan Sperber. 1987. “An Outline of Relevance Theory.” Pp. 1-28.

Published Mar. 26, 2012 6:55 AM - Last modified May 24, 2012 11:44 AM