

Thomas W. Heyck: A History of the Peoples of the British Isles: From 1870 to the Present, 2002. London: Routledge. Kap. 11-15 er pensum. Kap 1-10 brukes til supplering/oppslag.

Kathleen Burk (ed.): The British Isles since 1945, 2003. Oxford: OUP.


John Oakland: Contemporary Britain: A Survey with Texts, 2001. London: Routledge. Part 6: 'Britain and the World'.

Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay, Yes, Minister (BBC Books, 1984 eller senere utg.): “Editor’s Note”; “Open Government”; “Equal Opportunities”

Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay, Yes, Prime Minister (BBC Books, 1989 eller senere utg.): “Editor’s Note”; “Party Games”; “The Bishop’s Gambit”; “One of Us”; “The Patron of the Arts”; “The National Education Service”

Kompendium 'ENG1510 Storbritannia etter 1960' (f?s kj?pt p? Kopiutsalget, Akademika):

  • Anthony Sampson, “Universities”, fra The New Anatomy of Britain (1971)
  • Michael Leapman, “‘Your Saviour is Here’” og “Hounding the Royals”, fra Treacherous Estate: The Press After Fleet Street (1992)
  • Peter Hitchens, “A Slow-Motion Revolution”; Jonathan Freedland, “Response to Hitchens”; Tam Dalyell, “Devolution: The End of Britain”; Peter Oborne, “The Rise of the Media Class”, fra Keith Sunderland (ed.), The Rape of the Constitution? (2000)
  • Alan Bennett, “A Cream Cracker under the Settee”
  • Philip Larkin, “Homage to a Government”
  • Seamus Heaney, “Death of a Naturalist”
  • Carol Ann Duffy, “Poet for Our Times”
  • Robert Crawford, “Scotland”
  • Ted Hughes, “Pike”; “Fulbright Scholars”; “The Shot”

To romaner og ett skuespill

F?lgende vil bli gjennomg?tt i 2004 II:

David Lodge: Changing Places,

A.S. Byatt: Possession,

Alan Ayckbourn: Absurd Person Singular,


Liste over nyttig bakgrunnslitteratur kan f?s ved henvendelse til fagl?rer.

Aviser og tidsskrifter

Studentene anbefales ? lese minst én britisk dagsavis og ett tidsskrift pr. uke. For eksempel The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent; The New Statesman, The Spectator, The Economist.

Publisert 6. mars 2005 11:33