
Published May 10, 2012 9:59 AM

Note that today's tutorials for groups 3 and 8 have been CANCELLED due to illness. These tutorials will, unfortunately not be recovered. See further info on the message board in Fronter.

Published May 8, 2012 10:36 AM

Note that today's tutorials for groups 4, 6 and 1 unfortunately have been CANCELLED due to illness. Note also that they will NOT be recovered next. You are, however, free to attend one of the other groups on Wednesday or Thursday this week, as far as there are places available.

Published Apr. 26, 2012 12:47 AM

Note that those of you who did not pick up your essays at the lecture today, can do so from the shelf marked "Wold" opposite my office on the 11th floor of Niels Treschows hus.

Note also that there were some essays which had "slipped the net", and that I will be reading these tomorrow (Thursday 26 April). I will be in from around 11 am to 13.30 pm, and you can come an pick them up then - that is, I will have read them all by about 13 pm.

You have one week to revise IF I have asked you to resubmit, which means at the lecture on Wednesday next week for those essays that were handed out at the lecture today, whereas those for essays I will read tomorrow, you will have until Thursday next week.

Best wishes, ALW

Published Apr. 18, 2012 10:38 AM

Note that today's lecture and tutorials for groups 5, 2 & 7 have been CANCELLED due to illness. The tutorials will be recovered next week, and we will continue with the topic of today's lecture next week also. All remaining essays will be returned at the lecture on 25 April.

Published Apr. 17, 2012 10:24 AM

Note that today's tutorials for groups, 4, 6 and 1 unfortunately have been CANCELLED due to illness. They will be recovered next week, on 24 April (usual time and place).

Published Mar. 27, 2012 11:43 AM

Note that today's tutorials for groups 4, 6 and 1 have been CANCELLED due to illness. They will be recovered after Easter at the usual time & place on 10 April.

Published Mar. 21, 2012 3:39 PM

Important on ESSAYS: Essays for those who wrote numbers 1-4 were handed out at the lecture today, anyone who were not able to attend can find their essay on the shelf marked "Wold" on the 11th floor of NT. NB: Note that if you did not hand in a paper copy ('only' submitted in Fronter), then I will not have read your essay yet - let me know if this applies to you (and you were not among those who put their names on the list today).

For those who have been asked to RESUBMIT, you now have ONE WEEK to revise your essay. The revised version should be submitted at the lecture next week, i.e. on 28 March - there is now no need for a copy in Fronter. If your essay was marked APPROVED, you are now qualified to sit the exam, and need not resubmit.

For essay topics 5-8: If you were one of those who submitted at the lecture today, but was not able to submit in Fronter, you can make another attempt now, as I have re-opened the fo...

Published Feb. 20, 2012 1:09 AM

Note that the information listed under 'time and place' on when the tutorial groups meet is INCORRECT. The next time the groups will meet is in week 10, 6-8 March. See more info on the handout posted on Fronter.

Published Feb. 14, 2012 11:55 AM

Note that the exercises for the tutorial groups this week are in the Fronter 'Fellesrom', not in the respective group rooms.

Published Jan. 19, 2012 11:35 AM

Har du behov for ? endre gruppe fordi den kolliderer med annen undervisning ved UiO kan du f? s?knadsskjema p? ekspedisjonskontoret til ILOS 7etg. Niels Treschows hus. Merk at jobb og andre aktiviter ikke er gyldig grunn til ? f? innvilget gruppebytte. Da m? du bytte internt med noen andre p? emnet og fylle ut skjema sammen.

Published Nov. 18, 2011 2:54 PM

For LeP studenter som ?nsker ? v?re i samme gruppe som andre fra LeP kan vi tilby gruppe 5,6 og 8. Grunnet kapasitet kan vi ikke garantere plass.