ENG0101 – The English Language. Awareness and Skills

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

The course gives an introduction to practical English grammar for students whose first language is Norwegian, including some knowledge of the meta-language used to talk about the language, to special features of different genres (both literary and non-literary), to linguistic concepts that are useful in the study of English literature, to vocabulary expansion and resources for this, all with the aim to improving students' practical writing in English.

Learning outcome

The goal is to raise the students' awareness of English so that they can read, understand and describe different genres, that they can communicate correctly and effectively in writing, and can design well-structured and convincing texts, in particular academic essays. The course thus has both an insights component and a skills component.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

There are no specific prerequisites apart from an assumption that participants have the necessary background qualifications for university studies. Admission to the course is required.

Recommended previous knowledge

Tutors will assume a good starting proficiency in English and pitch their teaching accordingly. Students whose first language is not Norwegian or whose English is inadequate will be at a disadvantage.


The course is taught throughout the semester with three hours of teaching every week. The students are expected to take an active part in class discussion based on oral and written contributions on topics related to the content of the module. There is a mid-term break (one week in autumn term, two weeks in spring term) during which the students are expected to prepare obligatory assignments (see below) and otherwise study on their own.


There is a requirement that all participants hand in two obligatory papers by in-term deadlines set by tutors, and that these papers are approved within two weeks before the exam. The quality of these papers must be acceptable, otherwise participants may be barred from sitting the final exam. The final assessment is based on a 4-hour written school exam. This exam is graded from A to E (pass) and F (fail).

Facts about this course


The course will be taught as ENG0101 for the last time during spring 2005. From autumn 2005 the course will be taught as ENG1111 – The English Language. Awareness and Writing Skills, an introduction (discontinued). The course is still the same, but the course code has changed.

Spring and autumn
Teaching language