
Tekster merket med * er ? f? kj?pt i kompendium i GnistAkademika, kopiutsalget i kjelleren. Kompediets tittel er "De store EU-landenes europapolitikk". For ? f? kj?pt kompendium m? man vise kvittering for betalt semesteravgift. Tekster merket med ** gj?res tilgjengelig p? forelesning. Artikler som er tilgjengelig p? Internet m? studenten skrive ut selv fra en PC tilknyttet universitetets nettverk. Annet pensum f?s kj?pt p? Akademika.

Pensum for alle


McCormick, John, 2014: Understanding the European Union, Houndmills: Palgrave.


* Haftendorn, Helga, 2006: Coming of age: German foreign policy since 1945, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Kapittel 9 side 311-344 (studenter som leser tysk: Boken finnes ogs? i tysk utgave).

Bulmer, Simon and William E. Paterson, 2010 : Germany and the European Union: from "tamed power" to normalized power?, International Affairs, 86:5, 1051-1073.

Paterson, William E., 2010: Does Germany Still have a European Vocation?, German Politics, 19:1, 41-52. 

Helen Drake, France and the European Union, 2013 i Alistair Cole, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj (dir.), Developments in French Politics 5, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 218-232. PENSUMBIDRAGET DELES UT P? FORELESNING.

Dehousse, Renaud and Tacea, Angela, 2012, The French 2012 Presidential Election. A Europeanised Contest, i: Les Cahiers européens de Sciences Po, n° 2, 16 sider. 

* Grossman, Emiliano, 2007: Introduction: France and the EU: from opportunity to constraint, i: Journal of European Public Policy, 7/14, s. 983-991.

* Reynolds, David, 2003: Britain and the world since 1945: narratives of decline or transformation?, i Kathleen Burk (red.): The British Isles Since 1945, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Side 157-184.

Smith, Julie, 2005: A missed opportunity? New Labour's European policy 1997-2005: International Affairs 81, 4: 703-721.

* Thorlakson, Lori, 2011: Britain's place in the European Union, i Hefferman, Richard, Colin Hay og Philip Cowley (red.): Developments in British Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Side 257-279.

*Szczerbiak, Aleks, 2012: Poland within the European Union. New awkward partner or New Heart of Europe?, London and New York: Routlegde, side 40-82 og 185-209.

Copsey, Nathaniel and Tim Haughton, 2009: The Choices for Europe: National Preferences in New and Old Member States: Journal of Common Market Studies, Number 2. pp. 263-286.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 1, Sentral-Europa

** Bil?ik, Vladimir, 2010: Foreign and Security Policy Preferences, i Darina Malová (ed.): From Listening to Action? New Member States in the European Union, Bratislava: Universitas Comeniana Bratislavensis. Kapittel 5, side 129-144.

Galgóczi, Béla, Janine Lescheke, Andrew Watt, 2011: Intra-EU Labour Migration: Flows, Effects and Policy Responses, European Trade Union Institute, Working Papper 2009.03 update spring 2011.

Heidenreich, Martin, 2004: The Decision-Making Capacity of the European Union after Enlargement, i: BACES Discussion Paper No. 1, Otto-Friedrich Universit?t Bamberg. 

Schratzenstaller, Margit, 2013: Funding the EU Budget - Need and Options for Reform, Austrian Institute of Economic Research.

**Scrieciu, S.Serban, 2011: Socioeconomic Impacts on Agriculture in the New Europe, London and New York: Routlegde. Kap 5, side 74-93.

Sedelmeier, Ulrich, 2008: After Conditionality: post-accession compliance with EU law in East Central Europe, i: Journal of European Public Policy, 15:6, 806-825.

**Szczerbiak, Aleks, 2012: Poland within the European Union. New Awkward Partner or New Heart of Europe?, London and New York: Routlegde. Kap. 3, side 83-109.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 2, Storbritannia

Bulmer, Simon & Martin Burch, 2006: ‘Central government’, i Ian Bache & Andrew Jordan (red.): The Europeanization of British Politics. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Side 37-51, 15 sider. [FRONTER]

Carey, Sean & Andrew Geddes, 2010: 'Less is more: immigration and European integration at the 2010 general election' : Parliamentary Affairs 63, 4, sider 849–65, 17 sider.

Clarke, Scott & John Curtice, 1998: ‘The Liberal Democrats and European integration’, i David Baker & David Seawright (red.) Britain for and against Europe. British Politics and the Question of European Integration. Oxford: Clarendon Press, s. 88-107. 20 sider. [FRONTER]

Cowley, Philip & Mark Stuart, 2010: 'Where has all the trouble gone? British intraparliamentary divisions during the Lisbon ratification' : British Politics, 5, 2: sider 133-48, 16 sider.

Geddes, Andrew, 2004: 'The European Union and British Politics', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Kap. 7, 33 sider. [FRONTER]

Grindheim, Jan Erik, 2012:. ‘Den besv?rlige Unionen: Norge, Storbritannia og EU’, i ?ivind Bratberg & Kristin M. Haugevik (red.) Det glemte partnerskapet? Norge og Storbritannia i et Europa i endring. Trondheim: Tapir. 16 sider. [FRONTER]

Hayton, Richard (2010) ‘Towards the mainstream? UKIP and the 2009 elections to the European Parliament’, Politics 30, 1: 26-35. 10 sider. [FRONTER]Jones, Alistair, 2007: Britain and the European Union. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Kap. 8, 9, 10. 53 sider. [FRONTER]

Schmidt, Vivien A., 2006: ‘Adapting to Europe: is it harder for Britain?’: British Journal of Politics and International Relations 8 . Sider 15-33, 19 sider. .

Annet materiale

Blair, Tony: 2005: ‘Speech to the European Parliament’, Strasbourg 23. juni : 5 sider.

Cameron, David (2013) ‘UK and the EU’, London 23. januar. 14 sider. Tilgjengelig p? 

Thatcher, Margaret, 1988: ‘Speech to the College of Europe’, Brugge 15. september: 11 sider. Tilgjengelig p?. 

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 3, Tyskland

Beichelt, Timm, 2007: Over-efficiency in German EU Policy Coordination, i: German Politics, 16/4, Side 421-433.

Deeg, Richard, 2005: The Comeback of 'Modell Deutschland'? The New German Political Economy in the EU, i: German Politics, 14/3. Side 332–353.

Dyson, Kenneth, 2003: Economics Policies. From Pace-Setter to Beleaguered Player, i: Kenneth Dyson og Klaus H. Goetz (red.): Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint, Oxford og New York: Oxford University Press. Side 201-229. ARTIKKELEN LIGGER I FRONTER OG KAN PRINTES UT DERFRA.

Heise, Arne, 2005: Has Germany Been Europeanised or Has Europe Become (too) Germanic? The Consequences of EMU without a Proper European Economic Governance System, i: Intereconomics, 40/5. s. 285-291.

Jeffery, Charlie, 2003: The German L?nder: From Milieu-Shaping to Territorial Politics, i: Kenneth Dyson og Klaus H. Goetz (red.): Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint, Oxford og New York: Oxford University Press. Side 97-108. ARTIKKELEN LIGGER I FRONTER OG KAN PRINTES UT DERFRA.

Kaelberer, Matthias, 2005: Deutschmark Nationalism and Europeanized Identity: Exploring Identity Aspects of Germany's Adoption of the Euro, i: German Politics, 14/3. Side 283-296.

Moore, Carolyn, 2006: ‘Schloss Neuwahnstein’? Why the L?nder Continue to Strengthen Their Representations in Brussels, i: German Politics, 15/2. Side 192–205.

Morii, Yuichi, 2010: Germany and the Euro. Domestic Discourse on Monetary Stability and its Political Implications: EU Studies in Japan, Vol. 2010 No 30 p. 66-88.

Schweiger, Christian, 2005: The Role of the 'Modell Deutschland' in the Enlarged European Union, i: Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 13/3. Side 243–263.

Tings, Christiana, 2006: The new German European Policy. Challenges to Decentralised EU Policy Coordination, i: Discussion Paper, C 166, Side 1–25.

Artiklene til Bulmer, Simon and William E. Paterson (2010) og Paterson, William E. (2010) som er oppf?rt under fellespensum, vil ogs? benyttes p? seminaret.


Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 4, Frankrike

Tema 1: Europeisering av fransk politikk/Frankrikes plass og bidrag til EU

Rozenberg, Olivier, 2012: Monnet for Nothing? France’s Mixed Europeanisation, i: Les cahiers européens de Sciences Po, 04-2011, 32 sider: .

Hélène Caune, Sophie Jacquot, Bruno Palier, 2011, “Boasting the National Model : The EU and the Welfare State Reforms in France”, in P. Graziano, S. Jacquot, B. Palier (eds), The Eu and the domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms, London, Palgrave, 2011, pp. 48-72.

Tema 2: Fordypning, utvidelse, alliansepolitikk I EU

** Schild, Joachim, 2010: Mission Impossible? The Potential for Franco–German Leadership in the Enlarged EU, i: Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 48, nr. 5, 23 sider.

Bradbury, Jonathan, 2009: The European Union and the Contested Politics of 'Ever Closer Union': Approaches to Integration, State Interests and Treaty Reform since Maastricht, i: Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Volume 10, Issue 1, April, s. 17-33.

Tema 3: Frankrike mellom globaliseringsprosessen og ?MU

Jamet, Jean- Francois, 2011: EU Economic Governance, the French View, i: Jean-Francois Jamet, Werner Mussler and Stefaan de Corte, 2011, EU Economic Governance: The French and German Views, Centre for European Studies, s. 6-43.

Meunier, Sophie, 2010: Globalization, americanization and Sarkozy's France, i: European Political Science, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2010 pp.2013-222

Tema 4: Fransk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk i europeisk og transatlantisk kontekst

Panniera, Alice & Schmitt, Olivier, 2014, Institutionalised cooperation and policy convergence in European defence : lessons from the relations between France, Germany and the UK, I: European Security, 23:3, s. 270-289.

Rowdybush, Brinton & Chamorel Patrick, 2012, Aspirations and Reality: French Foreign Policy and the 2012 Elections, I: The Washington Quarterly, 35-1, pp. 163-177.


Publisert 16. mai 2014 10:02 - Sist endret 7. nov. 2019 16:11