
Tekster merket med * er ? f? kj?pt i kompendium i GnistAkademika, kopiutsalget i kjelleren. Kompediets tittel er "De store EU-landenes europapolitikk". For ? f? kj?pt kompendium m? man vise kvittering for betalt semesteravgift. Tekster merket med ** gj?res tilgjengelig p? forelesning. Artkler som er tilgjengelig p? Internet m? studenten skrive ut selv fra en PC tilknyttet universitetets nettverk. Annen pensum f?s kj?pt p? Akademika.

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McCormick, John, 2008: Understanding the European Union, Houndmills: Palgrave.


* Haftendorn, Helga, 2006: Coming of age: German foreign policy since 1945, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Kapittel 1 (fra s. 17), 2 og 9 (studenter som leser tysk: Boken finnes ogs? i tysk utgave).

* Gueldry, Michel R., 2001: France and European Integration: Toward a Transnational Polity?, Westport, Conn: Praeger. Kapittel 1, side 15-35 (The French State in Historical Perspective).

* Guyomarch, Alain, Howard Machin and Ella Ritchie, 1998: France in the European Union, London: Macmillan Press. Side 17-42 (The French Contribution to Building the EU).

Grossman, Emiliano, 2007: Introduction: France and the EU: from opportunity to constraint, i: Journal of European Public Policy, 7/14, s. 983-991.

* George, Stephen, 2000: Britain: anatomy of a Eurosceptic state: Journal of European Integration , 22, 1: 15-33.

* Reynolds, David 2003: Britain and the world since 1945: narratives of decline or transformation?, i Kathleen Burk (red.): The British Isles Since 1945, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Side 157-184.

* Bakke, Elisabeth og Nick Sitter, 2006: ?stutvidelsen - Sentral-Europa, Baltikum og EU, i Bakke, Elisabeth (red.): Sentral-Europa og Baltikum etter 1989, Oslo: Det norske samlaget. Kapittel 12, side 225-248.

* Longhurst, Kerry and Marcin Zabrowski, 2007: The New Atlanticist. Poland's Foreign and Security Priorities, London: Blackwell. Kapittel 3, side 22-39 og kapittel 6 side 76-89. NB: BARE KAPITTEL 3 ER I KOMPENDIET. KAPITTEL 6 ER IKKE TRYKT OPP I KOMPENDIET, MEN BLIR TILGJENGELIG P? FORELESNING.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 1, Sentral-Europa

Dobson, John R., 2009: Labour mobility and migration within the EU following the 2004 Central and East European Enlargement, i: Employee Relations, Vol. 31, No 2.;jsessionid=A6648BCEE42B6F4D8F763205A31BBD97?contentType=Article&contentId=1762067.

European Commission, 2009: "Health Check" of the Common Agricultural Policy, 3 sider.

Heidenreich, Martin, 2004: The Decision-Making Capacity of the European Union after Enlargement, i: BACES Discussion Paper No. 1, Otto-Friedrich Universit?t Bamberg. .

Landbruks- og matdepartementet, 2006: S?kelys p? landbrukspolitikken i EU, Rapport Januar. Side 19-25 og 87-103.

** Longhurst, Kerry and Martin Zabrowski, 2007: The New Atlanticist, London: Blackwell. Kapittel 5, side 58-73 (Eastern policy - Poland's specialism).

** Murua, J. R. and Albiac, J., 2007: The European Union Budget: CAP and European Economic Priorities, i McCombie, John and Carlos Rodriguez Gonzalez: The European Union, Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Nielsen, Kristian L., 2007: Opportunities and Limitations for the Baltic States of the EU-Russia Strategic Partnership, i: Baltic Security and Defence Review, Volume 9,

** Ondrejcsák, Róbert, 2006: Security Policies of the Slovak Republic and Hungary - the 'limited Differentiation' in Central Europe, i: International Issues & Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs, , issue: 03-04, pages:76-90.

Schreiner, Josef, 2008: Labor Markets in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European EU Member States: General Trends and Migration Effects, i: Focus on European Economic Intergration, 1.

Sedelmeier, Ulrich, 2008: After Conditionality: post-accession compliance with EU law in East Central Europe, i: Journal of European Public Policy, 15:6, 806-825.

Pensum for studenter velger gruppe 2, Storbritannia

Buller, Jim, 1995: Britain as an awkward partner: reassessing Britain's relations with the EU, i: Politics, 15, 1: 33-42.

Bulmer, Simon & Simon Burch, 2005: The Europeanization of UK government: from quiet revolution to explicit step-change? i: Public Administration, 83, 4: 861-90.

Cowley, Philip & Mark Stuart, 2010: Where has all the trouble gone? British intraparliamentary divisions during the Lisbon ratification, i: British Politics, 5, 2: 133-48.

Geddes, Andrew, 2004: The European Union and British Politics, Houndmills: Palgrave. Kapittel 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11.

Smith, Julie, 2005: A missed oppotunity? New Labour's European policy 1997-2005, i: International Affairs 88, 4, Side 703-721.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 3, Tyskland

** Anderson, Jeffrey J., 2005: Germany and Europe: Centrality in the EU, i: Simon Bulmer og Christian Lequesne (red.): The Member States of the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Side 77-96.

Beichelt, Timm, 2007: Over-efficiency in German EU Policy Coordination, i: German Politics, 16/4, Side 421-433.

Deeg, Richard, 2005: The Comeback of 'Modell Deutschland'? The New German Political Economy in the EU, i: German Politics, 14/3. Side 332–353.

** Dyson, Kenneth, 2003: Economics Policies. From Pace-Setter to Beleaguered Player, i: Kenneth Dyson og Klaus H. Goetz (red.): Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint, Oxford og New York: Oxford University Press. Side 201-229.

Heise, Arne, 2005: Has Germany Been Europeanised or Has Europe Become (too) Germanic? The Consequences of EMU without a Proper European Economic Governance System, i: Intereconomics, 40/5. s. 285-291.

** Jeffery, Charlie, 2003: The German L?nder: From Milieu-Shaping to Territorial Politics, i: Kenneth Dyson og Klaus H. Goetz (red.): Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint, Oxford og New York: Oxford University Press. Side 97-108.

Kaelberer, Matthias, september 2005: Deutschmark Nationalism and Europeanized Identity: Exploring Identity Aspects of Germany's Adoption of the Euro, i: German Politics, 14/3. Side 283-296.

Moore, Carolyn, juni 2006: ‘Schloss Neuwahnstein’? Why the L?nder Continue to Strengthen Their Representations in Brussels, i: German Politics, 15/2. Side 192–205.

Schweiger, Christian, 2005: The Role of the 'Modell Deutschland' in the Enlarged European Union, i: Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 13/3. Side 243–263.

Tings, Christiana, 2006: The new German European Policy. Challenges to Decentralised EU Policy Coordination, i: Discussion Paper, C 166, Side 1–25.

Pensum for studenter som velger gruppe 4, Frankrike (i den rekkef?lge artiklene skal leses)

** Flood, Chris, 2005: French Euroscepticism and the politics of indifference, i Drake, Helen: French Relations with the European Union, London and New York: Routlegde. Side 42-63.

Schmidt, Vivien A., 2007: Trapped by their ideas: French élites' discourse of European intergration and globalization, i: Journal of European Public Policy, 14:7, s. 992-1009.

** McCarthy, Patrick, 1999: France, Germany, the IGC and Eastern Enlargement, i Douglas Webber (Ed.): The Franco-German Relationship in the European Union, New York: Routledge. Side 41-58.

Bradbury, Jonathan, 2009: The European Union and the Contested Politics of 'Ever Closer Union': Approaches to Integration, State Interests and Treaty Reform since Maastricht, i: Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Volume 10, Issue 1, April, s. 17-33.

** Guyomarch, Alain, Howard Machin and Ella Richie, 1998: Agricultural Policy, i Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin og Ella Richie: France and the European Union, London: Macmillan Press. Side 129-156.

Howarth, David J, 2007: Making and breaking the rules: French policy on EU 'gouvernement économique', i: Journal of European Public Policy, 14/7, s. 1061-1078.

** Blunden, Margareth, 2000: France, i Ian Manners and Richard G. Whitman (Eds.): The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States, Manchester: Manchester University Press. Side 19-44.

Irondelle, Bastien, 2008: European Foreign Policy: the End of French Europe?, i: Journal of European Integration, Volume 30, Issue 1 March 2008, s. 153-168.

Publisert 8. apr. 2010 16:11 - Sist endret 19. sep. 2019 10:17