Florian Bieber (ed.): Montenegro in Transition. Problems of Identity and Statehood, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2003, 180 s.
Zorka Milich: A Stranger's Supper. An Oral History of Centenarian Women in Montenegro, Twynes' Oral History, New York 1995, 145 s.
David Bruce MacDonald: Balkan holocaust? Serbian and Croatian victim-centered propaganda and the war in Yugoslavia, Manchester University Press, 2002, 270 s.
Noel Malcolm: Bosnia. A short history, Macmillan, London, 1994, 250 s.
Ivo Zanic: ‘The symbolic identity of Croatia in the triangle: Crossroads-Bulwark-Bridge’, i: Kolst? (red.) Myths and Boundaries in South-Eastern Europe, Hurst, London, 2005, 40 s.