
Svein M?nnesland: F?r Jugoslavia og etter, 2006. Sypress Forlag. ISBN:?978-82-91224-37-4. Ca. 350 s..

Ger Duijzings: "The Kosovo epic: Religion and Nationalism among the Serbs", i: Religion and the politics of identity in Kosovo, 2000. Hurst & Co. ISBN:?185065431. 25 sider. Kapittel i bok, kopieres.

Sabrina P. Ramet: Explaining the Yugoslav meltdown. I, II", i: Nationalities Papers, Vol. 32, No 4, s. 2004. Carfax Publishing. 40 sider, tidsskriftartikler, kopieres. [Kopi oppstilt skranken, Stud.bibl. S.B.].

Ivo Andric: Broen over Drina, 1992 (eller andre utgaver). Cappelen. ISBN:?82-02-13901-5. 345 s..

Andrew Baruch Wachtel: "Supranational Yugoslav Culture: Brotherhood and Unity", i: Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation. Literature and Cultural Politics in Yugoslavia, 1998. Stanford University Press. ISBN:?9780804731812, 40 sider. Kapittel i bok, kopieres.

BBC dokumentarfilm: The Death of Yugoslavia 1-5, DVD.

Pavle Levi: Disintegration in Frames. Aesthetics and Ideology in the Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Cinema, 2007. Stanford University Press. ISBN:?978-0-8047-5368-5, 160 s.. I forbindelse med boken inng?r et utvalg spillefilmer.

Publisert 8. apr. 2010 16:10 - Sist endret 4. aug. 2010 12:31