

Johannessen, Janne Bondi, Jan Terje Faarlund, Elizabeth Lanza & Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen. 2003. P? spr?kjakt: Problemer og utfordringer i spr?kvitenskapelig datainnsamling: Unipub. (ca. 150 s.)

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Kumar, Ranjit. 2005. Reviewing the literature. Research Methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners, 47-61: London: SAGE Publications Ltd. (10 s.)

Labov, William. 1972. Some principles of linguistic methodology. Language in society 1.97-120. (23 s.)

Lanza, Elizabeth. 2008. Selecting Individuals, Groups, and Sites. The Blackwell guide to research methods in bilingualism and multilingualism, 73. (14 s.)

Maegaard, Marie & Pia Quist. 2005. Etnografi, praksis og sproglig variation–om etnografisk metode i udforskningen af sproglig variation som social praksis. I NyS 33. K?benhavn: Multivers.42-73. (29 s.)

Moyer, Melissa G. 2008. Research as practice: Linking theory, method, and data. The Blackwell guide to research methods in bilingualism and multilingualism.18-31. (14 s.)

Pavlenko, Aneta. 2009. Narrative Analysis. The Blackwell guide to research methods in bilingualism and multilingualism, 311-25: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (15 s.)

Vangsnes, ?ystein Alexander & Janne Bondi Johannessen. 2011. Reconciling corpus and questionnaire data in microcomparative syntax. Paper presented to the Language Variation-European Perspectives III: Selected Papers from the 5th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 5), Copenhagen, June 2009, 2011. (15 s.)


Publisert 27. okt. 2014 10:22 - Sist endret 27. okt. 2014 10:24