
Pensumliste for Retkom 2104 Moderne retorikk v?ren 2018

Lund M. & Roer H. (red.) (2014). Retorikkens aktualitet. Grundbog i retorisk analyse. 3. udgave. K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels forlag.

F?lgende kapitler:

  • Marie Lund & Hanne Roer: Retorisk kritik – en oversigt
  • Marie Lund: Retorisk publikum
  • Jonas Gabrielsen: Topisk kritik
  • Lisa Storm Villadsen: Apologi og undskyldningsretorik
  • Jens Kjeldsen: Billeders retorik


Bok-kapitler i kompendium

Charland, M. (1993). Constitutive Rhetoric: The Case of the Peuple Québécois. I Benson, Thomas W. (red.): Landmark Essays on Rhetorical Criticism. (s. 213-240), Analheim, CA: Hermagoras Press.

Hauser, G. (2002). Rhetorical Opportunities. I Introduction to Rhetorical Theory. (s. 39-60), Long Grove. Waveland Press.

Kock, C. (2003). Magtkamp eller statskunst: Politisk kommunikation p? mediernes pr?misser. I Berge, K.L. mfl. (red), Maktens tekster, (s. 158-181), Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk.

Perelman, C. (2005). Valg, n?rv?r og pr?sentation, I: Retorikkens rige (s. 67-75). K?benhavn: Hans Reitzels Forlag

Artikler fra Rhetorica Scandinavica (nedlastbare for en billig penge):

Berge, K.L. (2014). Hva er politisk retorikk? Rhetorica Scandinavica, 66, 11-34. 

Bitzer, L.F. (1997). Den retoriske situation. Rhetorica Scandinavica 3, 6-17.
Black, E (1999). Den andre persona. Rhetorica Scandinavica 9, 4-16.

Iversen, S. (2013). Narrativ retorik. Rhetorica Scandinavica, 63, 72-88.

Kjeldsen, J. (2008). Retoriske omst?ndigheder. Rhetorica Scandinavica, 48, 42-63.

Svennevig, J., Arisland, S. & Rognmo, A.S. (2014).  ’Jeg bare sp?r’… P?g?ende intervjustil i partilederutsp?rringer. Rhetorica Scandinavica, 66, 96-121. 

Vatz, R.E. (2000). Myten om den retoriske situation. Rhetorica Scandinavica 15, 7-13.


Tekster tilg?ngelige via nettet

Charland, M. (1987). Constitutive Rhetoric: The Case of the peuple of québécois. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 73(2), 133-150.   

Edwards, D. (1995). Two to Tango: Script Formulations, Dispositions, and Rhetorical Symmetry in Relationship Troubles Talk. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 8(4), 319-350.

Hoff-Clausen E. (2013). Attributing Rhetorical Agency in a Crisis of Trust: Danske Bank’s Act of Public Listening after the Credit Collapse. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 43(5), 425-448.

Jefferson, Gail (2004): Glossary of transcript symbols With an introduction. In: Gene H. Lernen (ed.), Conversation analysis. Studies from the first generation, p. 13-31. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadephia.  Tilgjengeligher:

Sivesind, K. &. T?nnesson, J. (2016). The Rhetoric of the Norwegian Constitution Day: A Topos Analysis of Young Norwegian Students’ May 17 Speeches, 2011 and 2012. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60(1), 201–218.

Ware & Linkugel: They Spoke in Defense of Themselves.Quarterly Journal of Speech, 59(3), 273-283.

Zarefsky, D, (2008). Knowledge Claim in Rhetorical Criticism. Journal of Communication, 58, 629-640.


Publisert 13. nov. 2017 10:41 - Sist endret 5. jan. 2018 14:46