Regarding mandatory assignment (paper) The …
Regarding mandatory assignment (paper)
The assignment can be written about any of the subjects in the course. You choose a subject, and write an essay on it (within the boundaries of the subjects taught in the course).
The intention of this assignment is to give you a chance to show your understanding of the subjects discussed, and to give you a chance to delve deeper into the subject.
Note that you have to get this assignment approved to be allowed to sit for exams.
The assignment should be about 6-700 words, with line spacing at 1,5 and size of font about 12pt.
Make a front page to the assignment where you write your name, the course code NORINT0500 and which subject you have written about (as it is called in the detailed plan of the course).
The assignment must be handed in at the front office in Henrik Wergelands house (2nd floor), 6th of November.
Good luck! :-)
Ang?ende obligatorisk oppgave
Velg et tema som tas opp p? kurset og skriv en oppgave om dette temaet.
M?let med oppgaven er at du skal kunne vise din forst?else av materien og ? gi deg en sjanse til ? g? litt dypere inn i det.
Merk at du m? f? godkjent den obligatoriske oppgaven for ? f? lov til ? g? opp til eksamen.
Oppgaven skal v?re 6-700 ord, med 1,5 linjeavstand og 12 pkt. skrift.
Lag en forside p? oppgaven der du skriver navnet ditt, kurskoden NORINT0500, dato og hvilket tema du har valgt ? skrive om (som presentere i detaljert undervisningsplan).
Oppgaven m? leveres til ekspedisjonskontoret i Henrik Wergelands hus (2. etg.) senest 6. november.
Lykke til! :-)