
Published Nov. 10, 2004 1:00 AM

Visual Arts Nov. 15. The visit to Nasjonalgalleriet is cancelled due to ongoing works in the buildings. Instead there will be a regular lecture on visual arts in 454 PAM.Det planlagte bes?ket i Nasjonalgalleriet 15/11 er avlyst. Deler av galleriet er stengt pga oppussingsarbeider. I stedet blir det forelesning som vanlig p? 454 PAM.

Published Oct. 27, 2004 2:00 AM

Dere som ikke var p? forelesningen 25/10: Semesteroppgaven kan hentes i boksen utenfor kontord?ra mi i 5. etg. Henrik Wergeland. Students who were not present at the lecture 25/10: You may pick up your semester paper in the box outside my office door on 5th etasje Henrik Wergeland. Erik Krogstad, course coordinator.

Published Oct. 18, 2004 2:00 AM

Semesteroppgavene vil bli levert tilbake til studentene etter forelesningen 25. oktober. The students will have their compulsory papers back after the lecture October 25.

Published Oct. 7, 2004 2:00 AM

A Kompendium containing the articles on the reading list can be bought at Akademika. Most of the artcles are also available on this site: Compulsory reading:

Published Oct. 6, 2004 2:00 AM

The exam. There will be a 3 hour written exam on Friday, December 3, 2004. It consists of two parts: 1) short questions -- you answer 4 out of 6. 2) an essay part -- you write 1 out of 2 essay alternatives. You can write your exam either in English or in Norwegian.

Published Oct. 6, 2004 2:00 AM

The compulsory paper. All students are required to turn in a short paper on a topic covered within the first six lectures (length 3 - 6 A4 pages). Deadline for handing in the paper is Monday, Octber 11. You can submit it at the ILF front office on 5th floor Henrik Wergeland. Or you can give it to the course coordinator at the lecture on October 11. Only students who have got their paper accepted can sit for the exam. You can write your paper either in English or in Norwegian.