NORINT0110-F class: The lecture is canselled today Monday 9 March, due to illness.
NORINT0110F: Olav Mellegaard er fortsatt syk. Undervisningen er derfor avlyst i dag, mandag 2. mars.
0110F: Olav Mellegaard er syk. Det blir derfor ingen undervisning i dag 25. februar eller i morgen 26. februar.
Hello again, students of NORINT0110D!
Your teacher from next week will be Vigdis Aas. According to the message below, there will be a little change in the timetable during Astrid`s absence. Your new teacher will teach every Monday and Wednesday between 16.15 and 19. First class will be Monday afternoon at 16.15, seminar room 3, Sophus Bugge`s house.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Good luck with your studies!
Dear students of 0110D.The class is cancelled today,Thursday 5th February, due to illness. You will get a new teacher from next week. The class will be held Mondays and Wednesdays between 16.15 and 19.00 (and there won`t be any classes Thursdays) as long as your teacher is ill.
We are sorry for the inconvenience!
Dear students of 0110D. We regret to tell you that the class has been cancelled today, Wednesday 4th February due to illness. We will offer you a new teacher from next week. Check this page and your email for more information.
In the meantime you should check out these useful links for self study:
NB! Students of 0110D and E. The classes have been cancelled today, Monday 2nd February, due to illness.
Regarding your curriculum, your teacher will tell you in the first day of class which books you should buy.