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Solstad, Dag. 1977. Svik. F?rkrigs?r. Oslo: Oktober
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Appiah, Kwame Anthony. 2010. "Preface" + "Lessons and Legacies", s. xi–xix og 173–204 i The Honor Code. How Moral Revolutions Happen. New York & London: W.W. Norton & Company

Bowman, James. 2006. “Introduction” + "We are Men" + “Aristocracy and Democracy: Honor Democratized” + “World War II: Honor and the Progressive Spirit”, 1-11, 15-40, 67-92, 151-177, i Honor. A History. New York:  Encounter Books

Stewart, Frank Henderson. 1994. “The Nature of Honor” + “The Sense of Honor”, 9–64 + 107–129, i Honor. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press

Welsh, Alexander. 2008. “Preface” + “Plan of this Book”+”On Moralities of Obedience and Respect”, s ix-xiv, xv-xix og 1-8, i What is honor? A Question of Moral Imperatives
New Haven & London: Yale University Press

Wikan, Unni. 2008. "Innledning: Hva er ?re?" + "Arabia forbl?ffer", 9-21 og 25-33 i Om ?re. Oslo: Pax


D’Amcio, Giuliano. 2015. “Sinne, selvinnsikt og det politisk ukorrekte. Raseri av Cornelius Jakhelln”, i Massimo Ciaravolo et al., Forme di narrazione autobiografica nelle letterature scandinave / Forms of autobiographical narration in Scandinavian literatures, Firenze University Press 2015, ss. 307-318. 

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S?rensen, Preben Meulengracht. 1995. Fortelling og ?re. 澳门葡京手机版app下载 i isl?ndingesagaerne. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 148–164, 165–184 og 187–211

Tulinius, Torfi. 2014. The Enigma of Egill: The Saga, the Viking Poet, and Snorri Sturluson, transl. by Vicky Cribb. Itacka, NY: Cornell University, “Introduction”, s. 1–16 og “The Saga in Context”, s. 211–274.]

Film (alternativer):
Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen: Izzat (2005) 107 min og Haram (2014) 100 min
Hisham Zaman: F?r sn?en faller (2013) 105 min.

Publisert 23. nov. 2015 15:14 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2016 11:04