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Coupland, Nikolas 2007. Style. Language Variation and Identity. Cambridge University Press. (ca 100 sider).

Mesthrie, Rajend m.fl. 2009. Introducing Sociolinguistics. 2nd ed. Edinburgh University Press, (ca 200 sider).

Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift 1, 2009. (ca 50-100 sider)


Akselberg, Grunnstein 2002. Talespr?kleg regionalisering i Noreg - Keisarens nye klede? I: Nordica Bergensia 28, s. 35-59 (24 sider).

Auer, Peter 2005. Europe’s sociolinguistic unity, or: A typology of European dialect/standard constellations. I Nicole Delbecque, Johan van der Auwera & Dirk Geeraerts (red.) Perspectives on Variation. Trends in Linguistics 163. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, s. 7–42 (26 sider).

Bijvoet, Ellen & Kari Fraurud 2010. ’Rinkeby Swedish’ in the Mind of the Beholder. Studying Listener Perceptions of Language Variation in Multilingual Stockholm. I Quist, P. & Svendsen, B. A. (red.) Multilingual Urban Scandinavia. New Linguistic Practices, s. 170-189 (18 sider).

Blom, Jan Petter & John J. Gumperz 1972. Spr?kstrukturers sosiale betydning: Om kodeskifte i et norsk lokalsamfunn. I J. Engh et al (red.) Spr?ksosiologi. Oslo - Bergen - Troms?: Universitetsforlaget, s. 97-127 (28 sider).

Blommaert, Jan 2010. Sociolinguistics of Globalization. Cambridge University Press, kap. 1 s. 1-28 (27 sider).

Brunstad, Endre 2006. Globalisering og spr?kleg mangfald. I Sand?y, Helge og Kari Tenfjord (red): Den nye norsken? Nokre peilepunkt under globaliseringa. Oslo: Novus Forlag, s. 44-73 (29 sider).

Heller, Monica 2008. Doing Ethnography. I Wei, L. & M. Moyer (red.) Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism. Blackwell, s. 249-263 (13 sider).

Kerswill, Paul 2002. Koineization and Accomodation. I Chambers, J. m.fl. (red.) The Handbook of Language Variation and Change. Oxford: Blackwell, s. 669-699 (30 sider).

Kerswill, Paul 1994. Dialektkontakt og sosiolingvistiske strukturer i Norge og i England. I U.-B. Kotsinas og J. Helgander: Dialektkontakt, spr?kkontakt og spr?kf?r?ndringar i Norden. F?redrag fr?n ett forskarsymposium, MINS 40, Stockholm, s. 220-231 (10 sider).

M?hlum, Brit 2010. Language and cultural/social spaces. I Auer, P. & J. E. Schmidt (red.) Language and Space: Theories and Methods HSK: Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. s. 259-274 (15 sider).

M?hlum, Brit 1987. Kodeveksling i Hemnesberget: myte eller virkelighet? Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift, 1. s. 29-43 (14 sider).

M?hlum, Brit & Unn R?yneland 2011.”Lasternes Hule” eller ”Civilisationens Arnested”? Byens posisjon i norsk talem?lsforskning. I J?rgensen, J. G. & S. L. S. Vik?r (red.) Nordiskfaget – tradisjon og fornying. Maal og Minne 100 ?r. Oslo: Novus, s. 69-96 (16 sider).

Opsahl, Toril & Nistov, Ingvild 2010. On some structural aspects of Norwegian spoken among adolescents in multilingual settings in Oslo. I Quist, P. & Svendsen, B. A. (red.) Multilingual Urban Scandinavia. New Linguistic Practices, s. 49-65 (15 sider).

Quist, Pia & Svendsen Bente Ailin 2010. Multilingual Urban Scandinavia. New Linguistic Practices. Multilingual Matters. Part 1, s 1-17 (16 sider).

R?yneland, Unn 2010. Vertical convergence of linguistic varieties in a language space. I Auer, P. & J. E. Schmidt (red.) Language and Space: Theories and Methods HSK: Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, s. 259-272 (13 sider).

Sand?y, Helge 2000. Utviklingslinjer i moderne norske dialektar. Folkm?lsstudier 39. Helsingfors, Meddelanden fr?n F?reningen f?r nordisk filologi, s. 345–384 (40 sider).

Spolsky, Bernhard 2009. Prolegomena to a Sociolinguistic Theory of Public Signage. I Shohamy, E. & D. Gorter (red.) Linguistic Landscape. Expanding the Scenery. Routledge, s. 25-40 (21 sider).

(ca 400 sider i kompendium)


Agha, A. (2005). Voice, footing, enregisterment. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 15 (1):38-59 (20 sider).

Brunstad, Endre, Unn R?yneland & Toril Opsahl 2010. Hip-hop, ethnicity and linguistic practice in rural and urban Norway. I Marina Terkourafi (ed.) The Languages of Global Hip-hop. London: Continuum, s. 223-256 (32 sider).

Bourdieu, Pierre 1977. The economics of linguistic exchanges. I Information sur les sciences sociales 16 (6), Paris, s. 645-668) (20 sider).

Coupland, Nikolas 2001. Dialect stylization in radio talk. Language in Society 30, s. 345-376 (30 sider).

Cutler, C. A. 1999. Yorkville crossing; White teens, hip hop and African American English. Journal of sociolinguistics 3: s. 428-41 (12 sider).

Eckert, Penny 2011. Three Waves of Variation Study: The emergence of meaning in the study of variation. (28 sider).

Eckert, Penny & Sally Mcconnell-Ginet 1999. New generalizations and explanations in language and gender research. Language in Society 28 s. 185-201 (15 sider). Landry, Roderigue & Richard Y. Bourhis 1997. Linguistic Landscape and Ethnolinguistic vitality. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. Sage, s. 23-49 (25 sider).

Nilsson, Jenny 2009. Dialect change? Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Volume 32, Special Issue 02, s. 207-220 (13 sider).

Opsahl, Toril 2009. Wolla I swear this is typical for the conversational style of adolescents in multiethnic areas in Oslo. In F. Gregersen & U. R?yneland (red.) Special issue of Nordic Journal of Linguistics. Sociolinguistics. 32-2. s. 221-244 (22 sider).

Pedersen, Inge Lise 2003. Traditional dialects of Danish and the de-dialectalization 1900-2000. I International Journal of the Sociology of Language nr. 159, (s. 9-28) (20 sider).

Rampton, Ben 2009. Interaction ritual and not just artful performance in crossing and stylization. Language in Society 38, s. 149-176 (21 sider).

R?yneland, Unn 2009. Dialects in Norway: catching up with the rest of Europe? International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 196/197, s. 7-31 (24 sider).

Solheim, Randi 2009. Dialect development in a melting pot. The formation of a new culture and a new dialect in the industrial town of H?yanger. Nordic Journal of Linguistics. 32.2. s. 191-206 (21 sider).

Svendsen, Bente Ailin og Unn R?yneland 2008. Multiethnolectal facts and functions in Oslo, Norway. International Journal of Bilingualism, vol. 12, nr. 1&2, s. 63-81 (19 sider).

Quist, Pia. 2008. Sociolinguistic approaches to multiethnolect: Language variety and stylistic practice. International Journal of Bilingualism, vol. 12, 1 & 2, 43–83 (20 sider).

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Publisert 11. aug. 2011 20:06 - Sist endra 19. aug. 2011 16:17