Syllabus/achievement requirements


Andersson, Roy: A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (En duva satt p? en gren och funderade p? tillvaron, 2014) (DVD)

Bier, Susanne: In a Better World (H?vnen, 2010) (DVD; also available on Netflix in Norway)

Haq, Iram: What Will People Say (Hva vil folk si,  2017) (Dvd will be made available)

Haugerud, Dag Johan: I belong (Som du ser meg, 2012) (DVD)

Kaurism?ki, Aki: The Other Side of Hope (Toivon tuolla puolen, 2017) (DVD)

Olesen, Annette K.: Little Soldier (Lille Soldat, 2008) (DVD)

Scherfig, Lone: Italian for Beginners (Italiensk for begyndere, 2000) (DVD)

Trier, Joachim: Thelma (2017) (DVD)

?vredal, André: Trollhunter (Trolljegeren, 2010) (DVD)

?stlund, Ruben: Force Majeure (Turist, 2014) (DVD; available on NRK, but with Norwegian subtitles only)

Von Trier, Lars: The Five Obstructions (De fem bensp?nd, 2003) (DVD)

Articles in the course reader (kompendium):

Bordwell, David. 2002. “The art cinema as a mode of film practice.” In The European Cinema Reader, edited by Catherine Fowler, 94–102. London: Routledge.

Corrigan, Timothy. 2015. “Approaches to Writing about Film.” Chap. 4 of A Short Guide to Writing about Film, 100–125. 9th ed. Essex: Pearson.

Hjort, Mette. 2006. "Gifts, games, and cheek: counter-globalisation in a privileged small-nation context. The case of The five obstructions". In Northern Constellations: New Readings in Nordic Cinema, 111–129. Thomson, Claire (ed.). Norwich: Norvik Press. 2006.

Hjort, Mette. 2010. “Critical Reception: Toward the Idea of an Ethical Feel-Good Movie.” Chap. 3 in Lone Scherfig's Italian for Beginners, 100–141. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Nestingen, Andrew, and Trevor G. Elkington. “Introduction: Transnational Nordic Cinema." In Transnational Cinema in a Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition, edited by Andrew Nestingen, and Trevor G. Elkington, 1–16. Detroit: Wayne State University Press 2005: 191-218.

Oxfeldt, Elisabeth. 2016. “The Privileged Human: Global Inequity in J?rgen Leth and Lars von Trier's De fem bensp?nd.” ("The Five Obstructions"). In Perspectives on the Nordic, edited by Bente Larsen, and Jakob Lothe, 55–71. Oslo: Novus Forlag.

Rees, Ellen. 2015. “The Nordic Quirky ‘Feel-Good’”, In Nordic Genre Film: Small Nation Film Cultures in the Global Marketplace, edited by Pietari K??p?, and Tommy Gustavsson, 147–158. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Volquardsen, Ebbe. 2013. “Scandinavia and “the Land of UnSwedish Freedom”. Jonathan Franzen, Susanne Bier and Self-conceptions of Exceptionalism in Crisis.” In Crisis in the Nordic Nations and Beyond: At the Intersection of Environment, Finance and Multiculturalism, edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, and Lars Jensen, 31–50. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Articles published online/in journals accessible via the UiO network:

Agger, Gunhild. 2015. "Strategies in Danish Film Culture – and the Case of Susanne Bier." Kosmorama #259 

Brodén, Daniel. 2017. “Old-school modernism? On the cinema of Roy Andersson.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 7 (1): 5–12.

Hjort, Mette, and Ursula Lindqvist. 2016. “Introduction: Nordic Cinema: Breaking New Waves since the Dawn of Film.” In The Blackwell Companion to Nordic Cinema, edited by Mette Hjort, and Ursula Lindqvist, 1–11. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Koskinen, Maaret. 2016. “The “Capital of Scandinavia?” Imaginary Cityscapes and the Art of Creating an Appetite for Nordic Cinematic Spaces.” In The Blackwell Companion to Nordic Cinema, edited by Mette Hjort, and Ursula Lindqvist, 199–223. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Moffat, Kate. 2016. “From imperfect strangers to new citizens: Screening race and ethnicity in Nordic film history.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 6 (3): 225–233.

Orange, Michelle. 2015. “Broken Contracts.” Film Comment 51 (1).

Elisabeth Oxfeldt ?White guilt and racial imagery in Annette K. Olesen’s Little Soldier?, Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Vol 10, 2018.

O’Shea, Noel. 2017. “‘Something genuinely Norwegian’: cultural identity under the influence of American cinema in the found footage aesthetic of Trolljegeren/Trollhunter (2010).” Studies in European Cinema 14 (1): 1–15.

Porton, Richard. 2014. “Winter of Discontent: An Interview with Ruben ?stlund.” Cineaste 40 (1): 38–42.

Sepp?l?, Jaakko. 2016. “Doing a lot with little: The camera’s minimalist point of view in the films of Aki Kaurism?ki.” Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 6 (1): 5–23.

Smaill, Belinda. 2014. “The Male Sojourner, the Female Director, and Popular European Cinema: The Worlds of Susanne Bier.” Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 29 (1 (85)): 5–31.

Smith, Greg M. 2001. “'It's Just a Movie': A Teaching Essay for Introductory Media Classes.” Cinema Journal 41 (1): 127–134.

Additional tools/resources:

Bordwell, David. 2016. “Open secrets of classical storytelling: Narrative analysis 101.” David Bordwell's website on cinema, January 11, 2016.

Gjelsvik, Anne ?Openings and closures. Mental health in Joachim Trier’s cinematic universe”. Forthcoming in Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 2018. Will be uploaded on Canvas.

Jerslev, Anne ( IN Focus: Joachim Trier, forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 1/2019. Will be uploaded on Canvas.


Published Oct. 15, 2018 10:02 AM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2018 10:02 AM