Forfatterskapene Sofi Oksanen, Jonas Hassen Khemiri og Maja Lee Langvad
Prim?rlitteratur (b?ker):
Khemiri, Jonas Hassen (2015). Allt jag inte minns. Albert Bonniers F?rlag.
Khemiri, Jonas Hassen (2006). Montecore: En unik tiger. Norstedt.
Khemiri, Jonas Hassen (2003). Ett ?ga r?tt. Norstedts F?rlag.
Langvad, Maja Lee (2014). Hun er vred. Et vidnesbyrd om transnational adoption. Forlaget Gladiator.
Langvad, Maja Lee (2014). Find Holger Danske appendix. Forlaget Gladiator.
Langvad, Maja Lee (2006). Find Holger Danske. Forlaget Gladiator.
Oksanen, Sofi (2010 [2008]). Utrenskning. Turid Farbregd overs. Oktober.
Oksanen, Sofi (2009 [2003]). Stalins kyr. Morten Abildsnes overs. Oktober.
I kompendium:
Anderson, Benedict. 1991a. “Introduction.” I Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso: 1–7. (7 sider).
Anderson, Benedict. 1991b. “Memory and Forgetting.” I Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso: 187–206. (20 sider)
Bhabha, Homi K. 1990. “DissemiNation: Time, Narrative, and the Margins of the Modern Nation.” I Nation and Narration. H. K. Bhabha red. Routledge: 291–322. (32 sider).
Eckstein, Lars. 2006. “Introduction.” Re-Membering the Black Atlantic. On the Poetics and Politics of Literary Memory. Rodopi: ix–xvi. (8 sider).
Erll, Astrid. 2009. “Narratology and Cultural Memory Studies.” I Narratology in the Age of Dross-disciplinary Narrative Research. S. Heinen og R. Sommer red. Walter de Gruyter: 212–227. (16 sider).
Moslund, Sten Pultz. 2010. “Introduction,” og “From Celebration to Problemisation,” Migration Literature and Hybridity: The Different Speeds of Transcultural Change. Palgrave Macmillan: 1–47. (47 sider).
Nünning, Ansgar. 2003. "Narratology or Narratologies?" I What is narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory, Tom Kindt og Hans-Harald Müller red. Walter de Gruyter: 239–275. (37 sider).
Renan, Ernest. 1990. “What is a Nation.” I Nation and Narration. H. K. Bhabha. Routledge: 9–22. (14 sider).
Straub, Jürgen 2002. Personal and Collective Identity. A Conceptual Analysis. Identities: Time, Difference, and Boundaries. H. Friese and A. Assmann. Berghahn Books: 56–76. (21 sider).
Whitehead, Anne (2004). Introduction to Part I. Trauma Fiction. Edinburgh University Press: 3–11. (9 sider)
Kan lastes ned:
Grepstad, Ottar. 1997. “Sjangrane.” Det litter?re skattkammer: Sakprosaens teori og retorikk.;jsessionid=96D92FEA9B81E3C96AEB7F9406817226.nbdigital2?lang=en#0. Oslo, Samlaget: 147–165. (19 sider).
Homans, M. (2006). ”Adoption Narratives, Trauma, and Origins.” Narrative. (22 sider).
Nilsson, Magnus. 2008. “Litteratur, etnicitet och f?restellningen om det m?ngkulturella samh?llet.” Samlaren. 129: 270–304. (34 sider).
Todorov, Tzvetan. 2010. “The Coexistence of Cultures.” Policy Futures in Education. 8(3 & 4): 419–426. (8 sider).
= 294 sider
Asdal, Kristin, et al. (2008). Tekst og historie: ? lese tekster historisk. Oslo, Universitetsforl.