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  • Thorkild Hansen: Slavernes kyst, 1967 (utdrag: 9-85)
  • Sven Lindqvist: Utrota varenda j?vel, 1992 (M?npocket 2011)
  • Kirsti Blom: Kitten, 2003 (Oslo: Oktober)
  • Jakob Ejersbo: Revolution, 2009 (K?benhavn: Gyldendal, paperback 2012)
  • Geir Gulliksen: B?yde kn?r, 2012 (Oslo: Aschehoug)
  • Simon Stranger: En fremmed i verden, 2013 (Oslo: Tiden, paperback 2014)



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Publisert 26. mai 2015 14:58 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2015 09:59