Syllabus/achievement requirements

Primary texts (Books)

Askildsen, Kjell 2014. A selection of short stories from Selected Stories. Champaign: Dalkey Archive Press 

Bramness, Hanne 2013. No film in the camera (Uten film i kameraet, 2010). Bristol: Shearsman Books

Henrik Ibsen: A Doll’s House (Et dukkehjem, 1879)

Knut Hamsun: Hunger (Sult, 1890)

Paal-Helge Haugen 2013. Meditations on George de La Tour (Mediasjonar over George de La Tour, 1990). Bookthug. (A collection of poems will be made available in the course of the semester)

Vigdis Hjort 2017: A House in Norway (Et norske hus, 2012). London: Norvik Press

Karl Ove Knausg?rd 2013. My Struggle  2. A Man in Love (Min kamp 2, 2009) London: Vintage books (Any edition will do)

Dag Solstad 2006. Shyness and Dignity (Sjenanse og verdighet, 1994). London: Harvill Secker. (Any edition will do)


Primary texts (Online source)

Inger Hagerup. ?I am the poem? and ?My love came home last night”. In Johanessen, T. (red.) 20 Contemporary Norwegian Poets. (1984)

Olav H. Hauge: "Conch Shell”, “The River Across the Fjord”, “And I was Sorrow”, “You Were the Wind” and “Old Poet has a Go at Being a Modernist", In Johanessen, T. (red.) 20 Contemporary Norwegian Poets. (1984)

Rolf Jacobsen: "Marsh Grasses Sway”, “Dawn Rain” and “In all the forests there have lived people. In Johanessen, T. (red.) 20 Contemporary Norwegian Poets. (1984)

Karl Ove Knausg?rd 2015. My Saga Part 1+2

Jan Erik Vold: "what's the light”. "5", "12", and “Hokusai the Old Master, Who Painted a Wave like Nobody Ever Painted a Wave Before Him", In Johanessen, T. (red.) 20 Contemporary Norwegian Poets. (1984)


Secondary Texts (Course Reader/Kompendium)

Helland, Frode (2015): “Three Chinese Dolls”, Ibsen in practice. Relational readings of performance, cultural encounters and power. London: Bloomsbury, 119-173.

Marker, Frederick J. & Lise-Lone Marker (1996): A History of Scandinavian Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 50-70.

N?ss, Harald (1993): ”Beginnings of the Norwegian Novel: Hansen and Collett”. A History of Norwegian Literature, edited by Harald N?ss. Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 102-106.

Rem, Tore (2006): “Ibsen as World Literature: Matters for Exploration“, The Living Ibsen. Proceedings–The 11th International Ibsen Conference, 21-27 August 2006, edited by Frode Helland et al. Oslo: Unipub/Centre for Ibsen Studies,13-20.


Secondary Texts (Online Sources)

Bartlett, Tom (2016): “A Norse God Among the Lit-Critters“, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 14, 2016.

Eugenides, Jeffrey (2015): “Norwegian Woods”, The New York Times Book Review, April 26, 2015.

Hustvedt, Siri (2015): “Knausgaard Writes Like a Woman”, Literary Hub, December 10, 2015.

Klok, Janke (2010): ”Revolutionary Voices: Nordic Women Writers and the Development of Female Urban Prose 1860–1900”, Feminist Review 96, 74-88.

Puchner, Martin (2013): “Goethe, Marx, Ibsen and the Creation of a World Literature“. Ibsen Studies 13:1, 28-46.

Rossi, Riikka (2010): “The Everyday in Nordic Modernism: Knut Hamsun’s Sult and Maria Jotuni’s arkiel?m??, Scandinavian Studies 82:4, 417-38.

Sandberg, Mark B. (1999): “Writing on the Wall: The Language of Advertising in Knut Hamsun’s Sult”, Scandinavian Studies 71:3, 265-96.

Sandberg, Mark B. (2001): “Ibsen and the Mimetic Home of Modernity“. Ibsen Studies 1:2, 32-58.

Shapiro, Eben (2014): “Arts & Entertainment: A Hit in Translation – Small Publisher In Brooklyn Scores A Literary Coup”, Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2014.

Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten (2006): “Ibsen’s Globalism“. Ibsen Studies 6:2, 188-198

Theodorsen, Cathrine (2013): “Cosmopolitan Figures, Forms and Practices in the Norwegian Fin-de-Siècle”, Comparative Critical Studies 10:2, 259-81.


Other Sources (will be made available in the course of the semester)

Paal-Helge Haugen 2013. Meditations on George de La Tour (Mediasjonar over George de La Tour, 1990). Bookthug. (A collection of poems will be made available in the course of the semester)




Published Apr. 20, 2017 10:11 AM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2017 10:11 AM