
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.08.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Introduction to the course? ?
30.08.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Viking Age Culture: Ethics and Religious Beliefs? read before class: "The Seeress's Prophecy" and "The Saying of the High One" (compendium) and Witoszek's "Nature and Ideology" (PDF file on Fronter)?
06.09.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Medieval and Early Modern Culture? read before class: "Bendik and Aarolilja" Espeland's "...all for his maiden fair: The Norwegian Ballads" (Fronter), and Stokker's "Oral Tradition, Humanism and the Baroque" (compendium)?
13.09.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Enlightenment Culture? read before class: Holberg's The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground (book!) and N?ss's "Holberg and the Age of Enlightenment" (compendium)?
20.09.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? National Romanticism I: Folk Tales? read before class: four Asbj?rnsen & Moe folk tales and Hult's "Asbj?rnsen and Moe" (compendium)?
27.09.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? National Romanticism II: Bj?rnstjerne Bj?rnson? read before class: "Song for Norway" and Nordahl Grieg's "To the Youth" (PDF files on Fronter)?
04.10.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Henrik Ibsen I: from National Romanticism to Realism? read before class: Peer Gynt acts 1-3 (book!) and McFarlane's "Henrik Ibsen" (compendium)?
11.10.2011Rees? ? no class: reading week? ?
18.10.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Henrik Ibsen II: Text and Performance (Gatas Gynt)? read before class: Peer Gynt acts 4-5?
25.10.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Henrik Ibsen III: Realism and Pessimism? read before class: Hedda Gabler (book) and Templeton's "Genre, Representation, and the Politics of Dramatic Form" (Fronter) ?
02.11.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? The Case of Knut Hamsun? read before class: Hunger (book!) and McFarlane's "Knut Hamsun" (compendium)?
08.11.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Historical Fiction? read before class: Undset's Kristin Lavransdatter I: The Wreath (book!) and Mishler's "Sigrid Undset" (compendium)?
15.11.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Modernist Fiction? read before class: Vesaas' The Birds (book!) and Mishler's "Tarjei Vesaas" (compendium)?
22.11.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Contemporary Drama? read before class: Fosse's Someone is Going to Come (book!) and Storfjell's "Jon Fosse" (compendium)?
29.11.2011Rees? PAM seminar room 13? Contemporary Fiction? read before class: Petterson's Out Stealing Horses (book!)?
Published June 23, 2011 12:28 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2011 8:56 PM