
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
19.08.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Introduction to the course? From the iron age to the digital age?
26.08.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Njal's Saga & the Viking age? Read pages 3-161 (chapters 1-92) in advance of today's lecture and discussion?
02.09.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Njal's Saga & the middle ages? Read pages 161-310 (chapters 93-159) in advance of today's lecture and discussion?
09.09.2009no instruction today? ? ? Study week. You should use this time to familiarize yourself with the course content more closely and decide on a topic for your five-page paper. Topics must be submitted at the beginning of the next class meeting (16.09.2009).?
16.09.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Ludvig Holberg & the early modern period? Read The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground in advance of today's lecture and discussion. PAPER TOPIC DUE at the beginning of class.?
23.09.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Asbj?rnsen & Moe and National Romanticism? Text TBA, distributed as a handout or through the ClassFronter course management site. Paper topics returned with commentary and suggestions. Guidelines for the format and grading of the five-page paper distributed.?
30.09.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Henrik Ibsen? Read Peer Gynt: A Dramatic Poem in advance of today's lecture and discussion. ?
07.10.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Knut Hamsun? Read Pan in advance of today's lecture and discussion. ?
14.10.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Henrik Ibsen's prose plays? Read When We Dead Awaken in advance of today's lecture and discussion. ?
21.10.2009no instruction today? ? ? Study week. You should use this time to finalize your five-page paper, which is due at the beginning of the next class meeting (28.10.2009).?
28.10.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Modernist poetry? Read all poems in the compendium in advance of today's lecture and discussion. FIVE-PAGE PAPER DUE at the beginning of class.?
04.11.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Tarjei Vesaas? Read The Birds in advance of today's lecture and discussion. ?
11.11.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Jon Fosse? Read Mother and Child (pages 9-78) in advance of today's lecture and discussion. ?
18.11.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Per Petterson? Read Out Stealing Horses in advance of today's lecture and discussion. ?
25.11.2009Rees? Seminarrom 12 P.A. Munchs hus? Last day of instruction? Review of material covered, information regarding the final oral exam.?
09.12.2009? TBA? Final oral examination? The exact location and time for the oral examination will be determined at least one week prior to the examination date. Typically the exams are scheduled in 30-minute time blocks on the examination day.?
Published July 22, 2009 12:58 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2009 9:50 AM