Syllabus/achievement requirements


Basic book

2. Bucken-Knapp. Gregg 2003. Elites, Language, and the Politics of Identity. State University of New York Press/H?gskulen i Volda; chapter 1-4 (pp. 1-98). The book will be ordered at semester start.

Compendium 1

Haugen, Einar 1966. Language Conflict and Language Planning. The Case of Modern Norwegian. Harvard University Press; chapter 1-2 (pp. 1-61)

The remainder of Haugen's book will be presented in outline in the lectures.

Compendium 2

Jahr, Ernst H?kon; Limits of language planning? Norwegian language planning revisited. In: Coulmas Florian. (ed.). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 80, Berlin 1989 (pp. 33-39.)

Vik?r, Lars S.; The position of standardized vs. dialectal speech in Norway In Coulmas Florian. (ed.). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 80, Berlin 1989 (pp. 41-59)

Vik?r, Lars S.; The Relationship between Norms, Status and Regulations in a Theoretical Perspective. In; R?yneland, Unn (ed.): Language Contact and Language Conflict. Proceedings of the International Ivar Aasen Conference 14–16 November 1996, University of Oslo/Volda College 1997 (pp. 97-110)

Trudgill, Peter.; Norwegian as a Normal Language In; R?yneland, Unn (ed.): Language Contact and Language Conflict. Proceedings of the International Ivar Aasen Conference 14–16 November 1996, University of Oslo/Volda College 1997

Jahr, Ernst H?kon 2007; The planning of modern Norwegian as a sociolinguistic experiment – “from below”. In: Elspass, Stephan et al. (eds.): Germanic language histories 'from below' (1700-2000). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter (pp. 379-403)

Papazian, Eric, 2002; Norwegian ”Bokm?l”: Present, past and future. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 25 (pp. 49-78)

Compendium 3

Jahr, Ernst H. 2003. Norwegian. In Ana Deumert & Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), Germanic standardizations: Past to present, 331-355. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Jahr, Ernst H. (1997). On the use of dialects in Norway. In Heinrich Ramisch & Kenneth Wynne (eds.), Language in time and space: Studies in honour of Wolfgang Viereck …, 363–369. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.

Sand?y, Helge 2004: Types of society and language change in the Nordic countries. In: Britt-Louise Gunnarsson et al. (eds.) Language variation in Europe: papers from the Second International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLaVE 2, Uppsala, 53-76.

Blom, Jan-Petter and John J. Gumperz. (1972). Social Meaning in Linguistic Structure: Code-Switching in Norway. In Gumperz, John J. and Dell Hymes, eds. 1986. Directions in Sociolinguistics: the Ethnography of Communication. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 407-434.

Kerswill, Paul 1996. Divergence and convergence of sociolinguistic structures in Norway and in England. Sociolinguistica 10, 89-104.

Opsahl, Toril : i Nordic Journal of Linguistics 32, 2009. Wolla I swear this is typical for the conversational style of adolescents in multiethnic areas in Oslo (s.221-244).

Downloadable articles in journals

R?yneland, Unn: i International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 196/197, 2009. Dialects in Norway: catching up with the rest of Europe? (pp.7-30).

Sand?y, Helge: i Folia Linguistica 32, 1998. The diffusion of a new morphology in Norwegian dialects (s. 83-100).

M?hlum, Brit: i Journal of Pragmatics 25, 1996. Codeswitching in Hemnesberget — Myth or reality? (s.749–761).

Solheim, Randi : i . Nordic Journal of Linguistics 32, 2009. Dialect development in a melting pot. The formation of a new culture and a new dialect in the industrial town of H?yanger (s.191 – 207).

Svendsen, Bente Ailin & Unn R?yneland : i International Journal of Bilingualism, 12, 2008. Multiethnolectal facts and functions in Oslo, Norway (s.63-83).

Forthcoming articles that will be distributed in class

H?rstad, Stian (forthc.): Performing ’Dangerousness’ Linguistically: The Case of ’Bad Norwegian’ on the Streets of Trondheim. In J.N. J?rgensen et al. (red.) /Jugendsprache – Youthlanguage. Proceedings from the 5th Jugendsprache Conference 2008/. Cambridge Scholars/Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism.

Brunstad, Endre, Unn R?yneland & Toril Opsahl (forthc): Hip-hop, ethnicity and linguistic practice in rural and urban Norway. In Marina Terkourafi (ed.) The Languages of Global Hip-hop. London: Continuum.

Opsahl, Toril & Ingvild Nistov (forthc.): On some structural aspects of Norwegian spoken among adolescents in multilingual settings in Oslo", in P. Quist & B. A. Svendsen (eds), Multiethnolects in urban Scandinavia. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Svendsen, Bente Ailin (forthc.): "Linguistic practices in multilingual urban contexts in Norway: An overview", in P. Quist & B. A. Svendsen (eds.), Multiethnolects in urban Scandinavia. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Aars?ther, Finn (forthc.): "The use of multiethnic youth language in Oslo", in P. Quist & B. A. Svendsen (eds.), Multiethnolects in urban Scandinavia. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Published Apr. 8, 2010 4:22 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2010 4:23 PM