Syllabus/achievement requirements

Basic book

Vik?r, Lars S.: The Nordic Languages, 2001. Novus Press.

Overview articles (in Kompendium NOR1210)

Haugen, Einar: Danish, Norwegian and Swedish; In Comrie, Bernard: The Major Languages of Western Europe, 22 pp.

Torp, Arne: : Language planning and nation building in the Nordic countries: Finland, The Faroe Islands and Norway, 21 pp., forthcoming.

Articles from Bandle, Oskar & al.: The Nordic Languages I (2002) and II (2005) (in Kompendium NOR1210)


Vik?r, Lars S.: The Nordic language area and the languages in the north of Europe, 2002. 12 pp.

Torp, Arne: The Nordic languages in a Germanic perspective, 2002. 12 pp.

From Old Nordic to early Modern Nordic

Hagland, Jan Ragnar: Language loss and destandardization in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, 2005. 5 pp.

The development of the Nordic languages from the mid-16th century to the end of the 18th century

Olsson, Bernt: Historical and sociocultural preconditions of language in Scandinavia from the 16th to the end of the 18th century, 2005. 6 pp.

Widmark, Gun; Inge Lise Pedersen & Helge Sand?y: The development of the Nordic languages from the mid 16th to the end of the 18th century: Sociolinguistic aspects , 2005. 12 pp.

The Nordic languages in the 19th century

Vannebo, Kjell Ivar: The impact of education on education and literacy on language development in the 19th century, 2005. 8 pp.

Monsson, Odd: Nationalism and Scandinavism in the development of the Nordic languages in the 19th century , 2005. 15 pp.

Bull, Tove: Special linguistic developments in 19th-century Norway, 2005. 8 pp.

The Nordic languages in the 20th century

Jahr, Ernst H?kon: On the reasons for dialect maintenance in Norway, 2008. Niemeyer . ISBN:?978-3-484-60528-2. sociolinguistica 22.

Jahr, Ernst H?kon: The special case of Norway in the 20th century: Language conflict and language planning, 2005. 12 pp.

Svensson, Jan: The language of broadcasting and television in the 20th century, 2005. 7 pp.

Jenstad, Tore Erik: Special languages and their social and functional dimensions III: Slang, 10 pp.

Uhlmann, Ulla B?restam: Interscandinavian language contact I: Internal communication and comprehensibility problems, 2005. 7 pp.

Worren, Dagfinn: Interscandinavian language contact III: The Norwegian form of bilingualism, 2005. 8 pp.

Winge, Vibeke: Language contact outside Scandinavia VI: with Germany, 2005. 9 pp.

Magga, Ole Henrik: Linguistic minorities in Scandinavia I: Indigenous minorities, 2005. 5 pp.

Hasselmo, Nils: History of the Scandinavian emigrant languages, 2005. 14 pp.

Svendsen, Bente Ailin & Unn R?yneland: : Multiethnolectal facts and functions in Oslo, Norway, 2008.

Published Oct. 1, 2010 9:17 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2011 5:22 PM