
Pensum/l?ringskrav NOAS4102


Kramsch, Claire (2006): The Multilingual Subject. Oxford: ISBN 978-0-19-442478-3 

(211 sider)

Bonny Norton 2013: Identity and Language learning. Extending the Conversation. 2nd Edition. Multilingual matters. ISBN-13: 978-1-78309-054-9

(216 sider)

(fra nettet)

Bakgrunn: nye perspektiver i SLA

Firth, A. og Wagner, J. (1997): On Discourse, Communication, and (Some) Fundamental Concepts in SLA Research. The Modern Language Journal 81:iii, s. 285–300. (16 s.)

Kramsch, C. og Whiteside. A. (2007): Three Fundamental Concepts in Second Language Acquisition and Their Relevance in Multilingual Contexts. The Modern Language Journal 91, Focus Issue, s. 907–922 (16 s.)

Larsen-Freeman, D. (2015): Saying what we mean: Making a case for ‘language acquisition’ to become ‘language development’. Language Teaching 48, s. 491–505. (15 s.)

Larsen-Freeman, D. (1997): Chaos/Complexity Science and Second Language Acquisition. Applied Linguistics 18:2, s. 141–165. (25 s.)

Sosiokulturell /sosialsemiotisk innfallsvinkel

Ahearn, L. (2001): Language and agency. Annual Review of Anthropology 30: 109–137 (29 s)


Ivani?, Roz & David Camps (2001): I am how I sound. Voice as self-representation in L2 writing. I Journal of second language writing 10:1-2, 3–33 (31 s.)

Kognitiv innfallsvinkel

Bylund, Emanuel & Scott Jarvis (2011): L2 effects on L1 events conceptualization, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 14:1, Special Issue: Crosslinguistic Influence in bilinguals’ concepts and conceptualization. s. 47–59. (13 s.)

Jarvis, Scott (2011): Conceptual transfer. Crosslinguistic effects in categorization and construal. Bilingulism: Language and Cognition vol 14:1, Special issue: Crosslinguistic influence in bilinguals’ concepts and conceptualizations. S 1–8= 8 s

Kognitiv og sosiokulturell innfallsvinkel

Golden, Anne & Elizabeth Lanza (2013): Metaphors of culture: Identity construction in migrants’ narrative discourse. I Intercultural Pragmatics 10-2. S 295–314= 20 s.

?kologisk innfallsvinkel

Kramsch, C. (2008): Ecological perspectives on foreign language education. Language Teaching 41:3, s. 389–408. (20 s.)


Sosiokulturell /sosialsemiotisk innfallsvinkel

J?lbo, Ingri (2014): Identitetskonstruksjoner i andrespr?kstekster til elever med somalisk spr?kbakgrunn. NORDAND 2014-2.  73–97 (25 s.)


Pavlenko, Aneta & James P. Lantolf (2000): Second language learning as participation and the (re)construction of selves. I Lantolf, James P. (ed.): Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford University Press, s. 155–177 (23 s.)

Svendsen, Bente Ailin (2006): Flerspr?klig identitet. I NORDAND 2006-2, s. 33–55 (23 s.)

Kognitiv innfallsvinkel

Cadierno, Teresa (2010): Motion in Danish as a Second Language: Does the Learner’s L1 Make a Difference? I ZhaoHonh Han & Teresa Cadierno: Linguistic Relativity in SLA. Thinking for Speaking. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, s. 1–33 (34 s.)

Holum, Line-Marie (2010): ? uttrykke bevegelse p? et andrespr?k. NOA norsk som andrespr?k 2, 30 s.

Kognitiv og Sosiokulturell innfallsvinkel

Lantolf, James P. (2011): Integrating Sociocultural Theory and Cognitive Linguistics in the Second Language Classroom. I Hinkel, Eli: Handbook of research in second language Teaching and Learning, s. 303–318 (16 s)

Publisert 24. mai 2016 18:32 - Sist endret 4. nov. 2016 09:07