Syllabus/achievement requirements

Literature. 400 pages are to be read in total. Students may select relevant articles from the compendiums "Runology l" and "Runology II" according to the following list, and/or (parts of ) books headed under "Other relevant literature". The final reading list must be approved by the teacher.

Relevant literature from compendiums "Runology I" and "Runology Il":

Moltke, Erik: Runic writing. In: Runes and their origin. Denmark and Elsewhere:, pp. 21-73, 1985. National Museum of Denmark.

Page, Ray: The Script and its problems. In: Runes, av Ray Page, pp. 6-13, 1987. British Museum Press.

Williams, Henrik: The Origin of the Runes. In: Frisian runes and neighbouring traditions, ed. by Looijenga, T. og Quak A., pp.211-218, 1996. Amsterdam-Atlanta GA.

Antonsen, Elmer: The Earliest Germanic writing system. In: Runes and Germanic Linguistics, pp.37-50, 2002. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.

Antonsen, Elmer: Age and origin of the "futhark". In: Runes and Germanic Linguistics, pp.93-117, 2002. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.

Antonsen, Elmer: Sacral or Secular? In: Runes and Germanic Linguistics, pp.169-205, 2002. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.

Antonsen, Elmer: On Runological and Linguistic Evidence for Dating Runic Inscriptions. In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinarer Forschung, ed. by Duwel, Klaus, pp.150-159, 1998. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York.

Nielsen, Hans F.: The Linguistic Status of the Early Runic Inscriptions of Scandinavia. In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinarer Forschung, ed. by Duwel, Klaus, pp.539-555, 1998. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York.

Barnes, Michael: On types of argumentation in Runic studies. In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Runes and Runic Inscriptions, ed. by Knirk, James, pp.11-29, 1994.

Barnes, Michael: The transitional inscription. In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinarer Forschung, ed. by Duwel, Klaus, pp.448-461, 1998. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York.

Stoklund, Marie: The Ribe Cranium Inscription and the Scandinavian Transition to the Younger Reduced "Futhark". In: Frisian Runes and neighbouring traditions, ed by Looijenga, T og Quak, A, pp. 199-209, 1996. Amsterdam-Atlanta GA.

Haugen, Einar: On the Parsimony of the Younger "Futhark". In: Festschrift für Konstantin Reichardt, redigert av Gellinek, C., pp. 51-58, 1969. Berlin und Munchen.

Liest?l, Aslak: The Viking Runes: The transition from the Older to the Younger "Futhark". In: Saga-Book 20 (4), pp. 247-266, 1981.

Barnes, M.: The Origins of the Younger "Futhark" - a reappraisal. In: Runor och runinskrifter, ed, by Jansson, Sven B.F., pp. 29-45, 1985. Almqvisr & Wiksell.

Liest?l, Aslak: The Literate Vikings. In: Proceedings of the sixth viking congress, ed, by Foote & Str?mback, pp. 69-78, 1969.

Meijer, Jan: Literacy in the Viking Age. In: Blandade Runstudier 2, pp. 83-110, 1997. Uppsala Universitet.

Jesch, Judith: Still standing in ?gerst: Textuality and Literacy in Late Viking-age Rune Stone Inscriptions. In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinarer Forschung, ed. by Duwel, Klaus, pp. 462-475, 1998. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York.

Fuglesang, Signe H.: Swedish Runestones of the Eleventh Century: Ornament and Dating. In: Runeninscriften als Quellen interdisziplinarer Forschung, ed. by Duwel, Klaus, pp.197-218, 1998. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York.

Page, Ray: Some Thoughts on Manx Runes. In: Runes and Runic Inscriptions. Collected Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Viking Runes, pp. 207-224, 1995. Boydell Press, Woodbridge.

Page, Ray: The Manx Rune-Stones. In: Runes and Runic Inscriptions. Collected Essays on Anglo-Saxon and VIking Runes, pp.225-244, 1995. Boydell Press, Woodbridge.

Liest?l, Aslak: An Iona rune stone and the world of Man and the Isles. In: The Viking Age in the Isle of Man, ed. by Fell & al., pp. 85-93, 1983. Viking Society for Northern Research, University College London.

Holman, K: Scandinavian Runic Inscriptions as a Source for the History of the British Isles: The St. Paul Rune-Stone. In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinarer Forschung, ed. by Duwel, Klaus, pp.629-628, 1998. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York.

Haugen, Einar: The dotted runes. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Viking Congress 1973, ed. by Almqvist, B., Green, D., pp. 83-92.

Other relevant literature:

Knirk, James: Hogganvik-innskriften: en hard runologisk n?tt. I: Viking 2011 [Norsk Arkeologisk selskap] pp: 25-39.

Gl?rstad, Zanette Tsigardias & al.: Minnelund og monument. Runesteinen p? Hogganvik, Mandal, Vest-Agder. I: Viking 2011 [Norsk Arkeologisk Selskap] pp 9-24.

Hultg?rd, Anders:De aldsta runinskrifterna och Nordens f?rkristna religion. In: Religion och Bibel. Nathan S?derblom-Sallskapets ?rsbok 1982, pp. 57-73.

Spurkland, Terje: From Tune to Eggja - the ontology of language change.: In Runes and their secrets : studies in runology ed by Marie Stoklund, Copenhagen Museum Tusculanum 2006, pp. 333–45.

Spurkland, Terje: The Older fu?ark and Roman Script Literacy. In: Futhark. International Journal of Runic Studies. Vol. 1 2010, pp 65-84.

Spurkland, Terje: Literacy and Viking Age Runes. In: Gro Steinsland (ed): Transformasjoner i vikingtid og norr?n middelalder. M?teplass Middelalder 1/2006 [Unipub], pp.27-59.

B?ksted, Anders: M?lruner og Troldruner. Runemagiske studier, 1952. Nationalmuseets skrifter. Ark?ologisk-Historisk R?kke IV, K?benhavn.

Nielsen, Hans Frede: The Early Runic Language of Scandinavia. Studies in Germanic Dialecy Geography, 2000. Universitatsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg.

Birkman, Thomas: Von ?gedal bis Malt. Die skandinavischen Runeninschriften vom Ende des 5. bis Ende 9. Jahrhunderts, 1995. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York.

Looijenga, Tineke: Runes around the North Sea and on the Continent AD 150-700. Texts and Contexts, 1997. Groningen. Relevante kapitler er I-IV, pp. 1-81.

Looijenga, Tineke: Texts and Contexts of the Oldest Runic Inscriptions, 2003. Brill, Leiden, Boston. Relevante kapitler 1-4, pp.1-145.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Runene p? Tunesteinen, 1981. Universitetsforlaget.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Fra ?gedal til Setre. Sentrale runeinskrifter fra det 6. ?rhundre, 1987. Universitetsforlaget.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Fra Vimose til ?demotland. Nye studier over runeinnskrifter fra f?rkristen tid i Norden, 1996. Universitetsforlaget.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Runene p? Eggjasteinen. En hedensk innskrift fra slutten av 600-tallet, 1985. Universitetsforlaget.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Om Eggjainnskriften: Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi 103, 1988:36-47.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Om Eggjainnskriften enda en gang: Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi 115, 2000:5-22.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Om Eggjainnskriften - Epilog: Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi 117, 2002: 29-34.

Gr?nvik, Ottar: Runeinnskriften p? R?ksteinen: Maal og Minne, 1983: 101 - 149.

Lonnroth, Lars: The riddles of the R?k-stone. A structural approach: Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi 92, 1977: 1-57.

Barnes, Michael: R?k-steinen - noen runologiske og spr?klige overveielser. I: Maal og Minne 2007/2, pp 120-132.

Ralph, Bo: G?tan som l?sning. Ett bidrag till f?rst?elsen av R?kstenens runinskrift. I: Maal og Minne 2007/2, pp 133-157.

Widmark, Gun: Tolkningen som social konstruksjon. R?kstenens innskrift. I: Runor och ABC, redigert av Nystr?m, Stefan, pp. 165-175, 1997. Stockholm.

Johnsen, Ingrid Sanness: Stuttruner i vikingtidens innskrifter, 1968. Universitetsforlaget.

Sawyer, Birgit: The Viking age Rune-Stones. Custom and commemoration in early medieval Scandinavia, 2000. Oxford University Press (paperback edition).

Schulte, Michael: The Scandinavian Runic Reform. A Sound Notion or a Research Dogma? In: Nowele. Vol. 56/57, pp. 107-121, June 2009. University Press Denmark.

Barnes, Michael P: The Origins of the Younger Fu?ark: A review of Recent and Less Recent Research. In: Nowele. Vol. 56/57, pp. 123-142, June 2009. University Press Denmark.

Runic inscriptions:

A representative selection of 15 inscriptions in the older fu?ark and and 20 Viking Age inscriptions in the younger fu?ark. The representativity must be approved by the teacher.The inscriptions are supposed to be studied on the basis of current corpus editions.

Published Nov. 24, 2011 10:32 AM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2012 12:16 PM