Topic this term:“Pilgrimages and crusades …

Topic this term:

“Pilgrimages and crusades – the Scandinavian connection” The European chivalresque culture has for a long time been a focused study object among scholars at the Department. We have concentrated on the transition and translation to Old Norse of this culture and how the “translations” in turn have influenced the vernacular culture. Pilgrimages to and from Scandinavia are regarded as part of this culture. In this respect local centres like Nidaros and Vadstena served both as points of departure and end points. In May the Department will arrange an international conference on “Arthur of the north”, the main issue of which is “Old Norse Arthurian narratives”. The presentations of papers at this conference will be part of the classes of the course. We will also give some lectures before and after the conference. Exam will be a trial lecture (20 minutes) on a given topic based on our input and the conference.

Publisert 9. jan. 2013 12:53 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:13