
Pensum texts

Acker, Paul: Revising Oral Theory. Formulaic composition in Old English and Old Icelandic Verse, New York and London; Garland Publishing 1998. p. 85-110.

Clunies Ross, Margaret: Prolonged Echoes. Old Norse Myths in medieval Northern Society vol.1: The Myths, Odense 1994. s.11-41.

Eddic poems, ca. 250 pages. See Source Texts.

Fidjest?l, Bjarne: The Dating of Eddic Poetry. A Historical Survey and Methodological Investigations, edited by Odd Einar Haugen.Bibliotheca Arnamagn?ana Vol. XLI, Copenhagen , 1999.. C.A. Reitzels forlag . p. 3-203.

Harris, Joseph : "Eddic poetry". In: Old Norse-Icelandic Literature. A Critical Guide., edited by Carol Clover and John Lindow. Ithaca and London. , 1985.. Cornell University Press . p.68-156.

Jonas Kristjánsson: Eddas and Sagas. Iceland's Medieval Literature, 1988. Reykjavík: Hid íslenska bókmenntafélag. p.25-82.

Kellogg, Robert : Literacy and Orality in the Poetic Edda, 1991. Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press In: Vox intexta. Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages, edited by A.N. Doane & Carol Braun Pasternack. p.89-101. .

Stock, Brian: The Implications of Literacy. Written Language and Models of Interpretations in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, 1983. Princeton University Press . p.3-87..

Source Texts

Bugge, Sophus (utg.): Norroen fornkv??i : islandsk samling af folkelige oldtidsdigte om Nordens guder og heroer almindelig kaldet S?mundar Edda hins fróda, Christiania 1983 (new print 1965: Universitetsforlaget, Oslo).

Dronke, Ursula (ed.): : The Poetic Edda. Volume I. Heroic Poems, Oxford, 1969. Claredon Press .

Dronke, Ursula (ed.): : The Poetic Edda. Volume II. Mythological Poems, Oxford, 1997. Oxford University Press .

Kuhn, Hans (ed.): : Edda. Die Lieder des Codex Regius nebst verwandten Denkmalern. 1. Text, edited by Gustav Neckel.Rev. Hans Kuhn, Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter.

In Translation

Holm-Olsen, Ludvig (transl.): Eddadikt, Oslo, Cappelens forlag 1975.

Larrington, Carolyne (transl.): The Poetic Edda, Oxford - New York, 1996. Oxford University Press World Classics .


Finnur Jónsson: H?ndskriftet nr. 748, 4to, bl.1-6 i den Arna-Magn?anske samling (brudstykke af den ?ldre Edda) i fototypisk og diplomatisk gengivelse, K?benhavn: S.L. M?llers bogtrykkeri 1896.

Heusler, Andreas: Codex Regius of the Elder Edda. Ms. No. 2365, 4to in the Old Royal Collection in the Royal Library of Copenhagen, 1937. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard .

Jón Helgason: Hauksbók. The Arna-Magnaean Manuscript 371, 4to, 544, 4to, and 675 4to, Manuscripta Islandica V, 1960. Copenhagen: Einar Munksgaard .

Wessén, Elias: Fragments of the Elder and the Younger Edda, AM 748 I and II 4to, Corpus Codicum Islandicorum Medii Aevi Volume XVII, 1945. . Copenhagen: Einar Munksgaard .

Wimmer, Ludvig F.A. & Finnur Jónsson: H?ndskriftet nr. 2365 4to gl. kgl. samling p? det store Kgl. Bibliotek i K?benhavn (Codex Regius af den ?ldre Edda) i fototypisk og diplomatisk gengivelse , 1891. K?benhavn: S.L. M?llers bogtrykkeri .

Further Reading

Clunies Ross, Margaret: Prolonged Echoes. Old Norse Myths in medieval Northern Society, vol.I: The Myths, Odense 1994.

Clunies Ross, Margaret: Prolonged Echoes. Old Norse Myths in medieval Northern Society, vol.II: The Reception of Norse myths in Medieval Iceland,, Odense 1998.

Gudrun Nordal: Tools of Literacy. The Role of Skaldic Verse in Icelandic Textual Culture of the Twelfth and Thirteenth centuries, Toronto-Buffalo-London, 2001. University of Torornto Press .

Tranter, Stephen: Clavis Metrica; Háttatal, Háttalykill and the Irish Metrical Tracts, Basel und Frankfurt am Main, 1997. Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag AG .

Dictionaries and Lexicons

Cleasby, Richard & Gudbrand Vigfusson (eds.): An Icelandic-English Dictionary, Oxford: Claredon Press.

Finnur Jónsson:: Lexicon Poeticum Antiquae Linguae Septentrionalis: Ordbog over det norsk-islandske skjaldesprog oprindelig forfattet af Sveinbj?rn Egilsson, 2.utg.1931, omtr. 1966. K?benhavn; S.L. M?ller .

La Farge, Beatrice & Tucker, John (eds.): : Glossary to the Poetic Edda. Based on Hans Kuhn's Kurzes Wortebuch, 1992. Heidelberg.Universitatsverlag C. Winter .

Kellogg, Robert: A Concordance to Eddic Poetry, 1988. East Lansing: Colleagues Press .

See, Klaus von et al. (eds.): : Kommentar zu den Liedern der Edda, Bd. 2. and 3.: G?tterlieder, 1997 and 2000. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter .

Published Nov. 8, 2006 12:26 PM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2006 10:25 AM