Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
17.01.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Introduction? ?
24.01.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Eddic poetry? Read Jónas Kristjánsson and The Lay of Hamthir?
31.01.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Eddic poetry? Read The lay of Skírnir?
07.02.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Icelandic family saga? Read Vésteinn ?lason and The saga of Gisli Sursson?
14.02.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Icelandic family saga? Prepare for discussion?
21.02.2011? ? Self study? ?
28.02.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Contemporary saga? Read ?lfar Bragason and The saga of ?orgils and Hafli?i?
07.03.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Kings' sagas? Read ?rmann Jakobsson and the "Snorri's Foreword" to Heimskringla?
14.03.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Kings' sagas? Read Saint ?láfs Saga. Tasks for the qualifying paper will be handed out.?
21.03.2011? ? Self study? Write the qualifying paper?
28.03.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Religious literature? Read Ni?rstigningar Saga. Deadline for the qualifying paper at 09:30 am.?
04.04.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Summary and discussion? ?
11.04.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Fornaldarsaga? Read Torfi Tulinius and The Saga of Arrow-Odd?
02.05.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Chivalric literature? Read Fidjest?l, Glauser and The Saga of Tristram and Isond?
09.05.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Learned literature? Read Bagge, Hamer and the excerpt from The King's Mirror?
16.05.2011Elise Kleivane? PAM 7? Summary? ?
Published Jan. 11, 2011 11:45 AM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2011 12:19 PM