
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
20.08.2009Bj?rn Bandlien? ? Introduction / Issues in Crusading Historiography ? Housley?
27.08.2009? ? No lecture? ?
03.09.2009? ? Issues in Crusading Historiography in Scandinavia ? Housley / Medieval History Writing and Crusading Ideology, 16-33, 37-50, 264-283?
10.09.2009? ? Crusading in the Twelfth Century ? Medieval History Writing and Crusading Ideology, 37-50, 175-184, 242-256, Nielsen 2001, M?ller Jensen 2003?
17.09.2009? ? Crusading in the Twelfth Century ? Lindkvist 2001, Skovgaard-Petersen?
24.09.2009? ? Denmark and the Baltic Crusades? Bysted et al., Carlsson?
01.10.2009? ? No lecture? ?
08.10.2009? ? Crusading in the Late Middle Ages? Bysted et al., M?ller Jensen 2007, Medieval History Writing and Crusading, 257-263?
15.10.2009? ? No lecture? ?
22.10.2009? ? Crusading in the Late Middle Ages (cont.)? ?
Published May 29, 2009 11:29 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2009 1:50 PM